Six Things You Didn’t Know About ‘Selfie’ Star Matty Cardarople
Everyone who has dived into the new fall season of TV has noticed one show that really sticks out. That show of course is Selfie, and one person that has stuck out to us is Matty Cardarople who plays Charlie on the show. And now has learned six new things about Matty that you will also want to know and you will definitely join us in our beliefs that he is our brand new HollyCrush!
Selfie has a star in the making with Matty Cardarople, and if you have seen Selfie you know exactly what we are talking about. Matty commands the screen in everything he has done before and continues the trend with Selfie and we can’t wait to see the amazing rise he has in store. This talented actor has an amazing future upcoming in his career. And while we watch that happen, lets find out more about Matty after the jump!