Izzy Gleicher held onto the biggest secret in the Big Brother 25 house, that being Cirie Fields and Jared Fields‘ family connection. Blue Kim knew this vital information as well, due to Jared’s loose lips, which Izzy found out about before she was evicted from the house on September 14. Izzy appeared on The Exclusive With Sharon Tharp the day after her eviction and revealed that she didn’t end up telling Cirie that Blue is aware of the secret.
“He didn’t tell me that she knew exactly, but he told me at one point he was like, ‘Yo, I told Blue I had a secret.’ And I was ready to… I did not tell Cirie that,” Izzy told host Sharon Tharp. “I’m honestly frustrated by that and I was frustrated by a lot of things that Jared did and didn’t do. I’m pretty saddened by that, I gotta admit.”
The 34-year-old professional flutist explained that she doubts Blue will do anything with the powerful information that she has in her back pocket. “Blue has no idea what’s going on,” Izzy said. “I was gonna take her as far as possible because she ain’t gonna win.”
Throughout this season, fans have been critical of Izzy’s game for being so loyal to a mother-son duo who would likely choose each other over her. And Izzy confirmed that she intended to stick with Jared and Cirie until the end of the game — but she did have a plan to win.

“I was all in on the final three. I know that Cirie was gonna throw final HOH. I’m very confident that me and Jared would’ve been sitting in the final two seats and I frankly think I would’ve beaten Jared and not needed Cirie’s vote,” Izzy said.
“I thought about this a lot,” she added. “People that watch the feeds probably heard me talking about it a lot to myself. That was absolutely the plan and I can be confident about that.”
Izzy was evicted by a vote of 8-1 against her ally Felicia Cannon. Cirie was the only person who voted to keep Izzy. Izzy was the fifth person evicted from the BB25 house, after Kirsten Elwin, Reilly Smedley, Hisam Goueli, and Red Utley.