Amelia Hamlin took to Instagram to share her latest bikini photo. The 19-year-old stunned in a nude tie dye bikini from British fast fashion label boohoo on Friday, April 30. “It’s beginning to look a lot like summer,” the model captioned her post, adding sunshine and bikini emojis, as well as tagging boohoo. Amelia lounged on a white chair as she soaked up the sunshine in what appeared to be her backyard.
The brunette paired the bra style top with a matching cover-up skirt, opting to go barefoot as she showed off her fresh white pedicure. She kept her hair center parted and straight as she looked off to the side, keeping her glam on the light side. She appeared to be rocking her signature laminated brows and light eye makeup, as well as a neutral lipstick.
Fans showed plenty of love for Lisa Rinna‘s daughter in the comments. “Gorgeous darling!” one fan gushed, while another added, “Keep positive…Looking a bit like a young Jessica Alba.” Others made reference to her ongoing romance with Scott Disick, 37, which seemed to begin around Halloween of last year.
Earlier this month, Scott and Amelia returned to Miami for a romantic getaway that included plenty of PDA. The model rocked a sheer green cover-up and slides as she headed to a yacht with the Keeping Up With The Kardashians star, who appeared to be enjoying a vape and Red Bull on April 6. On the same trip, Amelia also appeared to be sporting a beaded bracelet that read “Scott,” which popped up in social media posts (another also read “The Lord,” a nickname bestowed on Scott after purchased an online knighting ceremony in London).
“Cutest lil bracelets,” Amelia wrote in her caption, tagging the founder of jewelry brand Aura Sugar Co., Corinne Olympios. The teen has also been spending time with Scott and Kourtney Kardashian‘s kids, including the adorable Penelope, 8! Scott and P held hands as Amelia, clad in a pair of rainbow hot pants, walked just behind on a shopping trip. At one point, she appeared to gaze at Penelope lovingly.
Controversy has swirled around the pair for months due to their 18 year age gap — and the drama appears to be spilling onto The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. After Lisa Rinna receives a call from Amelia that she will be hanging out with her “friend” Scott, she tells the other ladies — including Kyle Richards. Kyle didn’t seem to approve of the situation, saying “He’s too damn old and he’s got three kids.” Lisa retorted, “I know!”
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