Howard Stern Likens Kanye West To Hitler In Explosive Response To Rapper’s Anti-Semitic Comments

Howard Stern called out Kanye West's 'wacky' anti-Semitic remarks on his radio show, and suggested that the rapper should maybe be placed in a conservatorship like Britney Spears was.

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Howard Stern, 68, slammed Kanye West, 45, on his radio show for the anti-Semitism that the rapper has been spewing on social media. “I’m really tired of people excusing his behavior by saying, ‘Well, he’s just mentally ill,’ ” the radio host said on The Howard Stern Show on October 19. “The sh*t that he’s spewing… I’m talking about his latest wacky anti-Semitic rant that he feels really free to spout,” Howard added, referencing Kanye’s hateful comments that he’s refused to apologize for.

Howard, who is Jewish, mentioned how he experienced anti-Semitism growing up, before he continued to lay into Kim Kardashian‘s ex husband. “Kanye was on the Chris Cuomo show, and good lord, you gotta hear the sh*t this guy’s into, and f**k this mental illness, self-defense thing that he’s into. You know, like, ‘Oh yeah, he’s just mentally ill. Don’t worry about it,’ ” Howard said, adding of Kanye, “If he’s so mentally ill, why don’t they appoint a conservator over his money like they did with the poor Britney Spears?”

After playing a clip from Kanye’s interview with Chris Cuomo, where the rapper blamed the “Jewish underground media mafia” for why he’s never been referred to as a billionaire, Howard called Kanye a “douchebag” and completely torched Ye in a lengthy rant. “This is so depressing,” Howard said about Kanye’s behavior. “I mean, Kanye used to be fun crazy. Now he’s like Hitler,” he added.

Howard Stern
Howard Stern; Kanye West (Photo: Shutterstock / Matt Baron/Shutterstock)

Kanye has been slammed by numerous celebrities, such as Sarah Silverman and Jamie Lee Curtis, as well as organizations like the Anti-Defamation League, for the hateful rant he spewed on Saturday, Oct. 8. Ye tweeted out that he wants to go “death con 3 On JEWISH PEOPLE”. A second tweet read, “You guys have toyed with me and tried to black ball anyone whoever opposes your agenda.” The father-of-four’s account has been locked for violating Twitter’s policies.

Ye chatted with British television host Piers Morgan about the controversy in a preview for the upcoming two-hour special, where Kanye showed no remorse for his anti-Semitic remarks. “Are you sorry you said it?” Piers asked. “No. Absolutely not,” Kanye replied. The Grammy winner also admitted that his remarks are “racist,” and that he doesn’t care.