We’re all about the at-home workouts these days to keep the blood pumping and endorphins released! Halle Berry’s trainer Peter Lee Thomas, who specializes in mixed martial arts, spoke to HollywoodLife.com in an EXCLUSIVE interview about toning moves you can do at home. At the same time, he provided the perfect replacements for weights if you don’t have them in your house. “More reps, if anything, is just going to always create more burn, right? You’re putting that extra amount of fatigue on you so you can always go longer, stronger, faster, and not having access to a bunch of really good weights at a gym, for instance,” Peter explained. “Swap a dumbbell you’d typically use for one of those giant laundry detergent handles. You can use that. I’ve used that a bunch of times, or water bottles, a gallon, or even a five gallon tank of water you can use. It’s not the resources, it’s a sense of your resourcefulness. Can you take this that is virtually nothing and make something out of it?” We love that mindset!
Peter explained that in these times, having a fighters mentality can be incredibly helpful in remaining centered and focused. “How do you re-spin the way you think about fitness, about your lifestyle, and about integrating these little things in your daily life? I mean, more now than ever, it’s important because there’s two things you can control. That’s your mindset, and that’s associated with your breathing and also your fitness,” he said. “You can’t control what goes on outside of that world, but what you can control are those two things, I believe. So, just get on with it and make yourself feel good by training, by sweating, by getting that workout in that you’ve always wanted to do that you can’t do. Now’s the time.”
Currently, Peter is developing an app called Playbook, which launches this week, and will include a library of his mixed martial arts-focused workouts! “You just commit each week, and I can look at what you’re doing and create these skill sets and these patterns that will help them in the future,” he said of the new program. “I hope to bring this unique outlook on martial arts and the film fighting, and kind of how these celebrities and people like that do this for hours and hours and hours on set.”
Tune in to HollywoodLife’s Instagram Lives for more At-Home Fitness classes!