Now that summer is in full swing, it’s time to really crack down on your workout routine and luckily, Selena Gomez’s personal trainer, Amy Rosoff Davis, shared tips with HollywoodLife, EXCLUSIVELY, on how you can get abs just like Selena. Amy revealed that to get abs like Selena, pilates is an absolute must. “We do a lot of pilates, and although not everyone has access to a Pilates Reformer [machine], you can do the workout anywhere, without it. Secure your feet under something or have a friend hold your feet down. Then, lean back into a 45 degree angle, and do some really small movements which involve a combo of a crunch and an oblique crunch,” Amy shared. “I recommend using a bar or two one pound weights, and then punch your arms forward and back, or up and down holding that 45 degree angle while someone’s holding your feet.”
As for how many reps of this workout you should do and how often you should do them, Amy advises, “I’d recommend 30 punches forward and back, 30 punches up and down, and then 30 combo. So, up, down, in, and out. So that’s averaging about 100. Every week is different. Some weeks Selena books five workout sessions a week, and some weeks we can only see each other three times a week. So I would recommend anywhere from three to five times a week.” Aside from pilates, there are other ab workouts you can do, Amy explains, “We also do a lot of plank work, and I’m into varied planks. So, not just holding a basic plank, but doing a plank while taking turns tapping opposite arm to opposite shoulder, or lifting and lowering one leg in a pulse, or going from your elbow to your hands tilting your hips. Basically, you want to first make sure you have a correct plank so that your shoulders are stacked over your wrists, your hips are low, you’re pushed into your heels, and you’re not arched, but you’re not grounded. So, your core is activated, your belly button is pulled up to your backbone, and you have that good base.”
Another variation of planks Amy says you can try is opposite arms to opposite shoulders, also known as shoulder taps. “Take your right arm and then tap it to your left shoulder while still holding up a plank and then try to keep your hips still, and then opposite arms,” Amy explains. “Do around 40 shoulder taps and you really want to try to keep your hips still, which really pulls your abs up and into your core, back up towards your spine.” Another variation, Amy shared, is the leg pulse. “Take your right leg, lift it up and cross it behind and over your left leg. Then pulse it up in the air and back down. Do 30 of those and then switch sides.”

Selena and Amy not only do pilates, but they also incorporate cardio into their workouts. Amy suggests doing cardio at least three to five times a week. There’s all different ways you can incorporate a cardio session into your day and Amy suggests anything from fast walking to dance cardio, jumping jacks, jump rope or HIIT, [High Intensity Interval Training]. While Selena and Amy workout together, Selena’s workout routine changes quite often while she’s touring or filming a movie. “When we were touring, some days we were flying all day, and some days we had four days off and we would go hiking and then go to the gym. So, with her lifestyle adjusting, we were always just trying to incorporate as much fitness and cardio in as possible. There was a lot of jet lag and working out is a great way to deal with jet lag,” Amy admitted.
Amy admits that no matter what you do for a workout, always listen to your body. “Listening to your body is a big thing of mine. Pushing it when you can push it, but also really knowing when it needs to rest or maybe just doing a yoga class or a stretch session,” Amy reveals is super important. “I incorporate yoga into almost every session as well, so Selena definitely gets her share of downward dog and stretching.”