There is a misconception that working out while pregnant can harm you or the baby, but that’s not true. Actually, it’s the opposite. “Working out while pregnant is crucial for you and your baby,” says David Kirsch, who trains celeb moms like Jennifer Lopez and Heidi Klum. He is also the author of the book Ultimate Family Wellness, and says, “Studies have shown maintaining an active lifestyle and bodyweight are ideal for both the mom and baby. Less body fat on yourself means less body fat on your baby. Exercise helps build endurance and strength, making the delivery easier on your baby and yourself.”
Here are his tips for having a healthy and fit pregnancy:
“DO: Getting into your workout clothes and out of the house for at least 45 minutes a day, 3 days a week is not only important for body, but your mind as well.
DON’T: You can’t follow a cookie cutter workout routine. Each workout should be specialized for you based on what you and your doctor feel you are capable of handling.”
“DO: Be mindful of your body while working out pregnant. Are you new to working out? Is your pregnancy high-risk? Are you older or carrying multiples? Make sure you are comfortable.
DON’T: Don’t push yourself to the extreme. Listen to the cues from your body — you don’t want to be breathless or overexerting yourself throughout these workouts. Remember, everything can be modified — the important part is to keep your body moving.”
“DO: Mix up your workout constantly. A combination of cardio, full body resistance training, light dumbbells, mat work, and pregnant yoga to increase flexibility will keep your workouts fresh every time.
DON’T: The moment you stop moving your body, you start getting depressed, bloated and eating habits weaken. Keeping up a steady exercise schedule helps with maintaining a better mood, promoting a better energy. Keeping your body on track through pregnancy can even extend to a better post-partum experience.”
HollywoodLifers, did you workout while pregnant?