Jennifer Lopez posted this photo of her taught tummy on June 22. WOW! Celebrity trainer Michael Blauner told HollywoodLife.com how YOU can get abs like J-Lo this summer! “Recently I saw a few pics of J-Lo and was really amazed. She’s literally getting better!! (and she was pretty darn awesome to start with.) You may ask me, ‘How do you think she does it? How does she get her abs like that?’ The first thing that came to my mind is DISCIPLINE. There is no other answer — it’s a pretty solid commitment to fitness to get a stomach like that. And I’m a firm believer (get it?) that your midsection tells the whole story about your physical fitness. In other words, if your waist is tight ..all else will follow.”
Michael hasn’t trained J-Lo but says, “Ab exercises are definitely necessary and J-Lo’s exercise routine might include:
*full sit ups
*vertical leg raises
*core twists with medicine ball
Michael adds: “Let’s not forget that if you work your abs you should work your lower back as well. Every muscle has an opposing muscle and if there’s not balance between them, there can be weakness and chance of injury. A few exercises for your lower back can include:
*yoga push ups (Cobras)
*butt lifts from floor position.”
Crunches are great but you also need to watch your nutrition to get a great body like J-Lo. “It’s not so easy at first because most of us have poor eating habits,” Michael says, “but the good news is that after sticking with a real clean diet (low processed sugar, high protein) for about 2 weeks the bad habits will be just a memory! You will actually really like the healthy foods that are now changing your life and YOUR WAISTLINE. Realistically, you can see results from a strict change in your diet in about 2 weeks and then it snowballs and you feel better and better and you will look better and better. You can train until you’re blue in the face for hours everyday but if you’re not eating clean, then there’s a real good chance the calories in will exceed the calories out. If that’s the case, you will never see results.”
HollywoodLifers, are you trying to get Jennifer Lopez’s abs?