When it comes to the Girl Scouts’ popular cookie season, foodies are quick to scoop up their go-tos enthusiastically. Find out if you’ll have to stack up on more flavors this year before they’re discontinued below!
What Girl Scout Cookies are Being Discontinued?
The two Girl Scout cookies that have been selected to go into early retirement after being on the market for only a few years are the flavors of S’mores and Toast-Yay. The S’mores’ cookie name says it all. In fact, you’ll be transported back to your summer camp days when you take a bite. The delicious treat which came out in 2015 includes marshmallows, chocolate and a graham cracker for its base. When it comes to the taste inside the Toast-Yay cookie, if you guessed that it was inspired by French toast, you are correct! The cookie is perfect for a yummy breakfast on-the-go.
When Are the Girl Scout Cookies Ending?
The Girl Scouts’ cookie season has officially taken off, and it lasts from January through April. The two flavors of S’mores and Toast-Yay will officially be discontinued toward the end of April, so you can still snag some before they’re gone forever. All orders for the two departing flavors need to be placed by April, either through the Girl Scouts’ website or in-person from a cookie stand, according to ABC.
🚨🚨🚨 GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SEASON IS HERE! 🚨🚨🚨 Ready to grab your faves? We’ve got all the info you knead on where, when, and how to get your hands on them. Don’t miss out! https://t.co/1bl4zh3Sy3 #GirlScoutCookieSeason pic.twitter.com/QT8LeuvS86
— Girl Scouts (@girlscouts) January 7, 2025
What Girl Scout Cookie Flavors are Still Available?
If the two retiring cookie flavors make you want others, you have 10 more flavors to choose from, but don’t let the Cookie Monster beat you to it. There are five fan favorites, including Thin Mints, Caramel deLites/Samoas (my personal favorite), Peanut Butter Patties/Tagalongs, Adventurefuls, and Peanut Butter Sandwich/Do-si-dos, according to the Girls Scout’s website.
Why Do Girl Scouts Sell Cookies?
The Girl Scouts’ cookie program emphasizes the importance of teaching young girls all about being an entrepreneur. Regardless of whether or not members become entrepreneurs later on in life, they will learn many helpful habits that they can use in the real world such as money management, social skills, and independence.