Rachel Fuda and husband John will meet with their attorney during the May 2 episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey to discuss her possibly adopting her stepson. “John’s son Jaden will be 16 in January. And in my opinion, he he didn’t have a ‘normal’ childhood,” Rachel is seen telling their attorney in this EXCLUSIVE preview. “He had a mom that was not around for him, and it was a lot to process. And I’ve really wanted to adopt him for a very long time. I was just scared of the outcome and what it was going to muster up for him.”
Rachel and John’s attorney tells them that they have “an obligation to serve or try to serve Jaden’s mother” because they’re “trying to terminate her legal rights”. The attorney says “if [Jaden’s mother] objects, she would have a right to an appointed attorney,” which “could create a situation where” Rachel and John would be facing a “contested adoption”. The thought of that upsets Rachel, and she starts breaking down in tears.
“It’s just so crazy to me how she has not been in any way shape or form a parental figure to him since I met him how many years ago. And I still have to ask, ‘Is it okay if I adopt your son that I’ve raised?'” Rachel tells the attorney. Then in her private confessional, she says, “I can not imagine walking this Earth without having any relationship or any regard for my own children.”
Rachel further calls the entire situation “frustrating”, as she gets even more emotional and starts crying again. “I know who Jaden is and I know his heart and that cuts so deep — I want to fill that void [in his life]. Adopting [Jaden] is just another step to solidify and prove to him that ‘I’m here for you no matter what and you’re my number one priority.'”
Want more? The Real Housewives of New Jersey airs Tuesdays at 9pm ET on Bravo.