Happy birthday, Kingston Levy Vigneron! Celebrity chef Marcel Vigneron and his wife, Lauren Rae Levy Vigneron, put on quite the celebration for their rainbow baby’s first birthday! The “Kingston Of The Jungle” theme was expertly pulled off by event planner Stephanie Armenta of Play Play Zone Events, and inspired by the decor in the 1-year-old’s room. “As a part of our night time routine, we say goodnight to each animal in his room, starting with Mr. & Mrs. Giraffe, and working our way around the room, so when I spoke with Stephanie, I told her which animals he was familiar with from his bedroom and she made sure to incorporate them,” explained Lauren, a licensed real estate agent and stylist. “I thought having familiar animals and things around him would make the day most special for him.”

The event took place at a beautiful park surrounded by mountains, in Malibu, California, which is home to the Levy Vigneron family. Custom “Kingston of the Jungle” snacks were served, as well as jungle animal themed cupcakes & cake sickles, and organic cold-pressed blends for Kingston’s baby friends. Kingston indulged in his first taste of processed-sugar with a vanilla funfetti smash cake covered in edible jungle leaves, safari animals, and gold leaf, which his parents eventually joined him in, feeding each other for an epic photo-op! There was a ball pit with a stunning mountain range behind it, woven blankets for families to chillax on, and incredible folk music by Kingston’s favorite band We Are The West, which the family discovered at a local farm they visit weekly.

Looking back on a year of Kingston, Lauren recalled one of her favorite moments with her son. “We went down to my favorite beach in Malibu and brought a tent that we filled with Kingston’s toys and his Dockatot for him to be all cozy. We watched the waves and walked down to the rock where my husband and I often climb,” she remembered. “Every time I take him to that area, I let him touch that rock with his hands and feet so that he can feel the energy. It is not only the first place I ever Rock climbed, but it is where Marcel and I took our save the date photos and a very special place for our family. One day, when Kingston is about four or five, we will take him to that exact place and teach him to climb.”