Francesca Rubi calls Elizabeth Frankini and Ashling Lorger into the sky lounge to discuss some important matters at hand in this EXCLUSIVE preview of the Nov. 30 episode of Below Deck. “I want to really work on me being able to be in the service side with the guests all the time,” Francesca explains. “For example, if there’s something that needs to come to the table, it needs to come to me first and I’ll put it on the table. I want to streamline this a little bit more because it kind of looks like we’re really messy at the moment.”
Francesca points out to Elizabeth that she doesn’t want to see “any mess on bars” going forward. The stewardess is annoyed at Francesca calling her out. “I can’t please her. I just feel like this sh*t is personal,” Elizabeth says in her confessional.
The producer asks, “You are kind of messy, right?” Elizabeth replies, “Yeah, I guess so. I’m like a messy artist.” Well, she can’t be like on the My Seanna.

This isn’t the first time Elizabeth and Francesca have had tension. Francesca criticized Elizabeth for not communicating with her in the last episode after Elizabeth immediately said yes to the charter guests’ request of mac and cheese balls — without checking with chef Rachel Hargrove to see if they had all the ingredients.
Francesca, Elizabeth, and Ashling are part of Captain Lee Rosbach’s new crew in season 8. Francesca took over for Kate Chastain as chief stew following Kate’s departure from the show after 6 seasons. When Francesca was announced as the new chief stew, she was described as “a perfectionist who runs a tight ship by raising the bar when it comes to service.”
She’ll admit that she does take her job “a little bit too seriously sometimes.” But she’s just trying to make this charter the best it can be. Below Deck airs Mondays at 9 p.m. on Bravo.