Yikes! Things became extremely heated during the Jan. 17 episode of Marriage Boot Camp: Hip Hop Edition, when the couples were asked to engage in rap battles over who’s to blame for various issues in their relationships. When Soulja Boy and Nia went head-to-head, she dropped a massive bomb! But first, he told her, “I told you everything all good, but Nia, you just don’t listen. It ain’t my fault that we don’t talk. Baby you be makin’ me distant. I just be sittin’, sittin’ back chillin’, but you be going trippin’. You be pressin’ a n****. You just be stressin’ a n****.” Not that rough, right? Well, as we said, things became rough when she delivered her rebuttal.
She told him, “Always hurtin’ me while you’re actin’ like a big baby. You’re the reason we lost our real baby.” Oh snap! Everyone watching gasped when Nia delivered that line, but she failed to explain what she meant. That is, until Dr. Ish and Dr. V sat down with the couple so they could air their grievances with each other. And that came after he told her she was being “disrespectful” and she told him to go kill himself. Yes, really.
Anyway, while sitting down with the doctors, she explained, “I was almost 16 weeks and we were fighting a lot. That was the cause of me losing the baby.” Dr. Ish told them that he was sorry to hear they lost a baby, and also acknowledged that it must have been hard for both of them to go through. And Soulja Boy confirmed that it was. So once they talked it out with the doctors, they both apologized for their behavior and agreed to move on.
Later, the couples were forced to eat hot peppers and other spicy foods unless they were willing to take blame for certain things in their relationship. And everyone felt the burn at least once or twice. It did not look fun to us.