Ray J: Princess Love Arrested For Domestic Violence — Report
This is shocking! Princess Love and Ray J — who both star in Love and Hip Hop: Hollywood were both in New Orleans on Feb. 11, but things turned violent when Ray returned back to their hotel room after spending a night at the strip club with the shows producers, TMZ reports.
According to the site, Ray told authorities that his girlfriend attacked him which made him suffer from several injuries including cracked ribs, tearing his ACL and busting his lip. Princess went ballistic and attacked him, cracking several ribs, busting his lip open and tearing his ACL.
That’s not all! Someone who was inside the hotel at the time of the incident reportedly told the police that they heard Princess Love yell, “I’m gonna kill you.” It was then reported that Ray ran out of his room and was bleeding, causing hotel security to call 911 which ultimately led to Princess’s arrest.
However, she didn’t stay in trouble for long, the site reports that Ray J was actually the one who bailed her out!
Ray J 911 Call: Begs Police To Help, Fears Princess Love Will Murder Him — Listen
This is not the first time Ray J and Princess Love have had to involve the police in their relationship. As HollywoodLife.com previously reported, Ray called the police back in Dec. 2014, and asked them to check on Princess because he was afraid that she would harm herself, TMZ reported.
“Yo, I need help. Um, my girlfriend is threatening to kill herself,” Ray J told the 911 dispatcher. When asked why she would want to do harm Ray said, “She threatening to kill herself because, I’m telling her that she made me mad, and I wanna like, end the relationship.”
What do YOU think, HollywoodLifers? Is it time for Ray J and Princess Love to break up? Let us know your thoughts below!
— Caitlin Beck