Blair confessed on the Feb. 27 episode to Chuck that she still loves him, but is not in love with him. But only time will tell if Blair’s feelings for Dan (Penn Badgley) will forever outweigh her love for Chuck.
It all started when Chuck selfishly sent a tip to Gossip Girl revealing that Dan was the one who sent the video of Blair confessing her love to Chuck before the wedding. The tip got into the hands of Georgina’s husband because she left him responsible for the site, who revealed that Chuck sent the tip. Obviously, a huge gossip girl NO NO. Blair of course was upset with both Dan and Chuck, but Dan told her how he only did it to stop the wedding — not to embarrass her. He assured her he had her happiness in his best interest. Georgina caused more trouble though when she sent the photo of Blair and Dan kissing on Valentine’s Day from Dan’s phone.
Blair found out it really wasn’t Dan who sent the photo and then put down Chuck in the most painful way possible! She told him she loves him, but isn’t in love with him — that “someone else” has her heart — meaning DAN does. Vomit.
Well lucky for us it doesn’t look like Blair and Dan have chemistry in bed like Blair and Chuck do, so maybe this Dair action really is bound for tragedy.
More ‘OMG’ moments:
#1 Georgina Will Grant Blair Her Much-Wanted Amicable Pre-nup
Yup, that’s right. It could be Georgina after all who ends Blair and Louis’ marriage without the Waldorf family becoming bankrupt. In fact, she’s on her way to Monaco right now to stop the madness…
#2 Ivy Receives Cece’s Inheritance
Apparently, Cece knew Ivy (Kaylee Defer) wasn’t her darling granddaughter all along because she left her all the money AND Lily’s (Kelly Rutherford) apartment. And Chivy isn’t taking this lightly — she asked Lily and Rufus (Matthew Settle) to leave her home. But something tells me that Georgina probably had something to do with Ivy’s newfound inheritance and this will be sorted out quickly in the near future.
#3 Serena and Charlie Rhodes are HALF-Sisters
This was probably the biggest shocker of the night. Turns out Serena’s (Blake Lively) father had an affair with Carolyn — Lily’s sister — when he was married to Lily and he is the real Charlie’s FATHER!! Gross!
#4 The Upper East Side Is Left Without A Gossip Girl
Georgina (Michelle Trachtenberg) definitely went out with a bang during her last hours as Gossip Girl. Now that her identity has been revealed to Chuck, Blair and Dan she decided it wasn’t worth continuing, but this means that there currently is no gossip girl to run the site. So who will take her place? Perhaps Blair? Or maybe, the first gossip girl will return? Who knows…
I’m pretty upset Blair said she is no longer in love with Chuck, but I truly do believe they’ll end up together forever — eventually.
What do you think, HollywoodLifers? Did you like tonight’s episode? Do you think Blair and Dan will last? Who will take over as gossip girl? Sound off in your comments below.
Nicole Karlis
Follow @Nicolekarlis
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