Snooki deserves to be dumped. Even her best friend JWoww stood up to her at the vineyard and told her how awful lit was that she keeps embarassing poor Jionni. It makes us all wonder if maybe Mike is telling the truth and they really did sleep together while she was with Jionni.
Snooki starts screaming at JWoww hysterically and then she runs off to smoke a cigarette in her over-sized leopard hat. When she gets back to the house she works things out with JWoww but decides she needs to straighten things out with Jionni — well sort of.
After Snooki gets a refresher from Vinny as to what really went down … they had sex. Snooki calls Jionni for the third time and reveals that she was wrong, she blacked out and DID sleep with Vinny an hour after they broke up. It’s a good thing Jionni already changed his Facebook status to single. Oh, Snooki’s dad was the one who ended up telling her that. They must be so proud of her!
Meanwhile, all of the guys are in Sicily at Vinny’s extended family’s house. They are stuffing their faces and having a bonding guido moment. I think I even saw Pauly D shed a tear — weird.
The episode ends with Snooki telling Jionni what she did and then the it cuts to black.
Tune in next week to find out what Jionni has to say and who Snooki sleeps with next — maybe Deena?