I’ve never been a huge ‘Situation’ fan, but he totally lost my vote on episode 11 of Jersey Shore. He has ZERO respect for women and he doesn’t even try to hide it!
Yo bro, YOU need help! Mike “The Situation” turned off every self-respecting girl on the Oct. 7 episode of MTV’s Jersey Shore. Not only is he completely obsessed with himself, he thinks he rules the crew! Everyone needs to stand up to him and stop letting him call the shots!
Finally, Vinny got a chance to shine on the show as the sweet, loyal guy that he is. You know they say nice guys finish last, but not in this episode! Vinny had been waiting around all day to hang out with Ramona and take her to the beach. Just when he thought she stood him up — she shows! The two have a romantic day on a gorgeous Miami beach and make plans to reunite — little do they know, Mike will try to ruin everything!
Snooki has her girlfriend from home Ryder come visit, the two try to go out on TWO different nights, but Mike selfishly cuts BOTH short. Just because he is ready to go home and leave the club, he decides to not take “no” for an answer. He picks Snooki up, throws her over his shoulder, and carries her out of the bar. Keep in mind, this is all against Snooki’s will. She wasn’t belligerent — what right does he have to push her around, and treat her like an object?!
Don’t let me forget to tell you, there’s the incredibly gross scene where Mike freaks out that Vinny has a hot girl like Ramona with him at the club, so while Vinny is in the bathroom, he tries to swoop in! He fails, thankfully, and Ramona tells Vinny everything. Mike decides to act like a total roid head and stare at the two of them dancing the entire night, freaking out everyone, even his BFF Pauly D.
But the final nail in the coffin for me, was when Mike got so desperate that he forced himself onto Snooki, sucked her face against her will, and then tried to put his hands up her dress. When she tells him “NO” he gets angry, starts screaming “F**k You” and storms out.
Mike is completely disrespectful, and he makes himself look like more of a loser in each episode. I don’t know who he thinks he is, but if he asked for my number, I’d laugh in his face.