The Netflix documentary ‘A Secret Love’ tells the story of Terry Donahue and her wife Pat Henschel. The two women, who met in 1947, were lifelong partners who kept their romance a secret for more than six decades until they came out to their family and friends in 2009. Until that point they lived the lives of BFFs and roommates who kept the true nature of the relationship undercover. The documentary recounts their story and that of Terry, who was a member of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League in the 1940s. Just like the ball players featured in the 1992 film ‘A League of Their Own,’ as a member of the Peoria Redwings she entertained crowds from 1946 to 1949. In 2015 on her 90th birthday she finally married the love of her life, Pat, in an assisted living facility that they had made their home. Terry died in March 2019 of Parkinson’s Disease. She was 93.