Ariel Winter, 21, sure knows how to look amazing, even when she’s not wearing any glitz or glamour. The actress turned heads on Apr. 1, when she stopped by Gray Studios in Los Angeles, CA wearing a short-sleeved black v-neck shirt, black skinny jeans, and matching combat boots. She had some of her hair pinned back with some strands free flowing and appeared to have no makeup on during the outing.
Ariel’s latest public appearance comes after she made headlines for standing up for part of her abortion beliefs on Mar. 28, when she signed actress Alyssa Milano‘s letter threatening to boycott the state of Georgia if the state’s Governor Brian Kemp signs the “fetal heartbeat” bill into law. The bill would ban a pregnant woman’s right to get an abortion once a heartbeat is detected in the unborn fetus. Ariel joined a plethora of at least 100 celebrities who signed the letter, including Sophia Bush, Sean Penn, and Christina Applegate.
Ariel’s latest protest isn’t the first time she’s participated in politics. The stunning brunette encouraged her followers to vote in the Nov. 6 midterm election with an Oct. post on her Instagram page. In the post, she included a photo by herself and with her Modern Family studio teacher, posing and holding up the “I voted” sticker. “Voting is your right! I took time last week to go over all of my voting materials because I wanted to be sure I was making informed decisions,” she captioned the pics. “Please, register to vote today (if you haven’t already), educate yourselves on the propositions and candidates, and get out to the polls on November 6th!” She also went into how her teacher taught her how to fight for what she believes in and vowed to never be silenced.

It’s great to see Ariel continuing to do what she does best, working as an actress, and at the same time, making a difference in politics by standing up for what she thinks is right!