In a Feb. 29 post titled “One Last Kiss,” Rory recounted the final moments Joey shared with her family. But it was the last things she said that were the most heartbreaking. “One of the last things Joey said before she drifted into the deep sleep she’s been in for a few days now is, ‘I have no regrets… I can honestly say, that I have done everything I wanted to do and lived the life I always wanted to live.'”
So sweet. No matter how intense Joey’s cancer became, she always seemed to be in the best spirits, proving that she fought the bravest battle she could’ve. Rory did an amazing job keeping fans updated on her condition, always telling stories of her inspiring positive attitude and sweet moments she shared with him and their adorable 2-year-old daughter, Indiana.
While Rory’s posts made it clear that Joey truly did take advantage of every day she had, her final words resonated with him personally. He elaborated on the “well-lived” and “well-loved” life she lived.
“In the 40 short years that Joey has lived, my bride has accomplished many great things…” he wrote. “God only gives each of us a certain amount of time to be on this earth and every day when we wake up, we get to decide how we are going to spend those precious minutes and hours. There are no do-overs, no second-chances, no next-time-around’s to get it right. Joey knew this and she has made each and every day count.”
Following Joey’s sad death, Rory returned to the couple’s home with Indiana, sharing a touching photo with their daughter on his shoulders simply captioned “home.” One of Joey’s final requests was to be buried at their farm house, which Rory made sure to honor. He revealed that he started making burial plans — ones he “hoped we would never have to make” — at their Pottsville, Tenn., farm on March 6. Despite the sad circumstances, at least Rory can definitely rest assured that Joey lived a wonderfully happy life.
HollywoodLifers, what do you think of Joey’s last words? Send your love to Rory and the rest of Joey’s family as they grieve the loss of such an amazing woman.