Upon hearing that someone messed with Conrad’s brakes before his grisly car accident, Emily was dead set on finding out who did it. Aiden told her to take it easy, and that they would figure this out — but failed to mention he told Conrad that it was Jack (Nick Wechsler) that cut the brakes!
This next scene wasn’t one of any particular plot importance, but it had a shirtless Jack, and that’s all that matters. Margaux (Karine Vanasse) stopped by Jack’s place, and he stepped out sans shirt holding baby Carl. The hottest dad in the Hamptons is most definitely Jack. Margaux invited Jack to her magazine launch party, and after a little bit of thought, Jack said yes. Too bad he wasn’t a man of his word, but he had a good reason!
There’s Something About Jack
After Aiden falsely revealed to Conrad that Jack tampered with his brakes, Conrad was out for Jack’s blood. Aiden offered to help get Charlotte (Christa B. Allen) back for Conrad by revealing to her that Jack tried to kill him. Conrad agreed as long as Jack spent the rest of his life in jail.
Aiden headed to Jack’s place and said Conrad sent him. He wasn’t there to hurt Jack, but told him to leave town, or Conrad would kill him. He also said not to contact anyone from the Hamptons ever again — but I think he meant just Emily.
Emily continued to search for the Hamptons killer, and Nolan (Gabriel Mann) admitted that he wasn’t a fan of Team Aiden. He warned Emily of her dangerous descent into her revenge agenda and said, “The more strings you pull, the easier it is to get strangled.” Someone put that on a T-shirt and sell it!
Meanwhile, Victoria doesn’t want anything to happen to Jack because he is a particular thorn in Emily’s side. She told a wet, shirtless Aiden that Jack has the ability to unnerve Emily like no one else and wanted to use Jack to prove Emily’s true loyalties.
Victoria started her plan by visiting Emily and revealed to her that Conrad believes Jack was the one who messed with the brakes. Victoria’s emotions toward Emily were so unbelievably fake that I can’t believe Emily didn’t catch on.
Emily ran straight to Jack’s to find him packing his things. He told her that Aiden basically threatened him to leave town. Emily said she’d handle everything, but Jack doesn’t believe her because she can’t even trust the people on her team. (He has a point, Ems.)
It’s My Launch Party And I’ll Get Mad If I Want To
We all know that Victoria’s out to ruin Emily, and she had a small victory tonight. Since Emily ran straight to Jack’s to warn him about Conrad, she was late for Daniel’s (Joshua Bowman) big night. Daniel was understandably angry and believed he was the only one fighting for their relationship. He then told Emily he couldn’t marry her! WHAT?! This screws up everything!
Emily talked to Nolan about her current predicament and he gave her a big “come to Jesus” talk. He said their faux-relationship was doomed if she didn’t give Daniel the one thing he wants — an honest Emily. That’s impossible, but I digress. He said the only way to win Daniel back was to share a piece of herself. I mean, it would help if she actually loved him.
When Emily returned to her house, she found Daniel packing his things. In order to smooth things over, she showed him a fake picture of her family and told him a story from her past. She confessed that it was hard for her to share memories from her past because the emotions were still so raw. Daniel seemed taken aback by the whole thing and he took the bait. Despite this being a ploy to get Daniel back, this was still a very intimate moment for Emily.
Margaux was also stood up at the launch party. When she went to confront Jack about it, he told her there was an intruder. He admitted he was sorry he wasn’t there for her and that she was the first person to make him smile in a long time and they kiss. Emily, who had come to retrieve a picture of what I’m assuming is of faux-Amanda’s family, couldn’t stand to watch Jack’s moment with Margaux.
Who Really Tried To Kill Conrad?
After Jack’s revelation, Emily was super pissed at Aiden. He said he had to tell Conrad about the brakes because Conrad was about to fire him and Emily needed someone on the inside. He also told her that she played right into Victoria’s hands and ran to Jack’s. Aiden further stressed that he will not be made a fool of and that he came back for her and no one else. Emily bluffed this intimate moment and said he had one more chance to make things right.
Aiden told Victoria that Emily didn’t meet up with Jack, much to Victoria’s chagrin. He discovered that an access code was used to get to the car and that it had to be one of Victoria’s children who did the deadly deed.
Victoria went straight to Conrad and was pretty distraught over the reveal. Charlotte walked in and admitted to trying to kill Conrad and killing Father Paul! She felt awful about the whole thing and hoped Conrad would forgive her. He said he would protect her at all costs and he was just glad to have her back. First off, if this is Conrad’s actual reaction to this shocking revelation, maybe he is sick after all. However, during an embrace between Conrad and Charlotte, a look between mother and daughter showed they are in cahoots! Later, Charlotte said she was willing to take the blame if it protects Jack. So, if Charlotte didn’t do it, then who did?
Emily and Aiden met up and Aiden shockingly discovered that it was Patrick (Justin Hartley) who tried to off Conrad! Aiden found the evidence in his room, so there was no question of his guilt! I knew from the moment Patrick stepped on the canvas that he had schemes up his sleeve.
Emily also apologized for making Aiden feel used. She confessed that he meant everything to her and they passionately kissed. Yay!
A New Relationship Blooms In The Hamptons
Nolan and Patrick had one hot kiss in the last episode and Nolan was ready for more. When he went to talk to Patrick, Patrick confronted him about how he knew he was gay. Nolan attributed it to a “well-caliberated gay-dar,” but Nolan didn’t buy it. He found out that Nolan went to his ex-wife and paid her for information. Patrick said he doesn’t play games and stomped off.
Later, Nolan told Patrick about his trust issues and admitted he screwed up by going behind his back. He asked for one more chance, if Patrick was willing to give one. Yes, please!
At the end of the episode, Victoria ran to Patrick’s studio only to find it empty. Come to find out, he was at Nolan’s! And they kiss — again! I am completely on board with this pairing. Nolan and Patrick are so hot together! Maybe Patrick can join Emily and Nolan on Team Revenge? Only time will tell.
HollywoodLifers, what did you think of tonight’s Revenge?
WATCH: New ‘Revenge’ Promo
— Avery Thompson
Follow @Avery__Thompson