In a tragic turn of events, California Highway Patrol officials are now saying preliminary evidence shows the cliff crash that killed a Washington state family may have actually been purposeful! The evidence? Information pulled from the family-of-eight’s SUV software shows the vehicle was suspiciously stopped at the highway pullout before it accelerated straight off the cliff, according to Capt. Greg Baarts of the CHP Northern Division, reports CBS News. Not only that, but Greg says the electronic information combined with the lack of skid marks, lead officials to believe the accident was in fact intentional, thus making it a murder-suicide.
Sarah and Jennifer Hart and three of their adopted children: 19-year-old Markis, 14-year-old Jeremiah, and 14-year-old Abigail, were confirmed dead on March 28 by Mendocino County authorities, CBS affiliate KOIN-TV reports. Their three other children: 15-year-old Devonte, 16-year-old Hannah, and 12-year-old Sierra, are missing. However, Sheriff Tom Allman said there is “every indication” all six children were inside the SUV at the time. Click here to see pics of some of the celebs who have passed away this year.
At this point in time, authorities believe that at least one felony was committed, but a Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office spokesman declined to reveal more details as of April 2. Greg did, however, tell the media on the evening of April 1 that while the family’s car had a reading of 90 mph, that doesn’t mean the SUV was traveling at that speed. He also said a comprehensive investigation is ongoing. Air bag evidence does lead authorities to further believe there was murder-suicide intent though, as well as the fact there was no tire friction by the cliff’s edge.
While some family friends describe the Harts as tight-knit and loving, certain neighbors said they saw concerning signs that caused them to worry about how the homeschooled children were being cared for. For example, about two weeks ago, Bruce and Dana DeKalb, next-door neighbors of the Harts, called state child protective services because Devonte had been coming over to their house almost every day for a week, asking for food.
The teen explained his parents were “punishing them by withholding food.” The boy also asked Dana to leave food in a box by the fence for him, she said. Also, back in 2011, Sarah pleaded guilty to a domestic assault charge in Douglas County, Minnesota, telling authorities “she let her anger get out of control” while spanking her 6-year-old adoptive daughter, court records show.