Leah Messer Gets An Official Diagnosis For Ali
Things between Leah and Jeremy seem to be going much more smoothly. While the girls are with their dad, Corey Simms, Leah and Jeremy get to enjoy a quiet lunch together. It’s really nice to see Jeremy comforting Leah while she is stressed about Alleah acting out because Ali gets special treatment. Even during this moment of weakness, Leah is incredibly strong to deal with all of the struggles her and her family have on a daily basis.
Later in the episode, Leah reveals to a friend that Ali has been having trouble breathing in her sleep. It’s a scary thought, and Leah is really concerned that she is getting weaker instead of stronger.
Leah and Jeremy drive to Ohio to bring Ali to her doctor, and the morning of their appointment Ali is so nervous she doesn’t want to eat. This is the first time Ali has exhibited any signs of understanding what is going on with her doctor, and it makes Leah emotional. Thankfully, her mom Dawn is also coming to the appointment, so both Ali and Leah have a lot of support around them for the appointment.
At the hospital, Leah and Jeremy meet up with Corey and his wife, Miranda. Ali is such a lucky little girl having so many wonderful people in her life to support her.
During her doctor appointment, Leah and Corey finally find out that Ali has a very, very rare condition called Titan Gene Mutation. There are only twenty other known cases in the entire world of this condition, and right now Ali is the only child. The good news is that Ali should be able to walk on her own, even though she will still need her power wheelchair for long distance commutes. The doctor also tells Leah and Corey that most cases live in to their fifties or older, which is great news to them. However, the mutation will affect her heart and respiratory system in the future, so now they have to be very careful and keep a watchful eye on Ali as she continues to grow.
After the appointment, Dawn takes Ali for the night so that Leah and Corey can explain everything to their significant others over dinner. This is what makes this family so strong, the fact that they are all working on co-parenting the girls together. Leah expresses her concern about not knowing what to expect, and Jeremy, Corey, and Miranda all seem to be on the same page.
Jenelle Evans & Nathan Griffith Fight Over Getting An Abortion
The season finale of Teen Mom 2 opens with a bang when we find out that Jenelle has been arrested for disturbing the peace after a crazy fight with her boyfriend, Nathan. Of course, he bailed her out, but these two are getting pretty high maintenance as a couple, don’t you think? Even though their fighting is getting out of hand, Jenelle is more worried that her new arrest will violate her probation. She’s already been arrested for marijuana use during her probation, now she has a second one that could really damage her agreement with he court.
Not only that, but Jace witnessed her getting arrested, and was apparently so upset by it he was crying. This is really concerning, and hopefully Jenelle makes sure that he doesn’t witness anything like that ever again.
While talking about their fighting, the couple get into another fight because neither one of them has a job. When Nathan tells Jenelle to get a job, she retorts that he should get one, too. “You worry about Jenelle, I’ll worry about Nathan,” is his response. What happened to “my money is Jenelle’s money, and Jenelle’s money is my money” speech he gave her mom, Barbara Evans, just one week prior to this episode? Hmm.
Jenelle goes to visit Barbara and Jace, and she reveals that things with Nathan are not going well at all. It’s shocking to hear her talk about the night she was arrested, because she describes Nathan screaming in her face and putting her in a choke hold. Mind you, Jenelle is pregnant with his child. No man should ever put their hands on a woman, and it’s upsetting to hear that Nathan is just like all of Jenelle’s previous boyfriends. Barbara seems upset about it too, and this definitely won’t help Nathan look any better in her eyes.
Despite their fighting, Jenelle and Nathan decide to look for a lawyer together to help fight their recent charges. In a surprising turn of events, Nathan tells Jenelle that he doesn’t want to fight in front of Jace any more. He doesn’t want Jace to witness their swearing and getting violent with each other which would be a nice change, but these two shouldn’t be fighting in the first place.
Jenelle finally found a lawyer, and now she has to meet with them to find out if her new charges are going to affect her probation. The lawyer tells her that the charge is a misdemeanor, and she could end up with 13 months in prison if North Carolina decides to hold the charges against her. This means she would be giving birth to her second baby in prison. Jenelle’s lawyer calls her out for having a problem with boyfriends, because her original heroin charges are from her ex, Courtland Rogers, and now Nathan is getting her arrested for disrupting the peace. The new lawyer even suggests that maybe it’s time to ditch Nathan, so that she can avoid getting in to trouble again. During this whole speech, Jenelle does not look very happy.
Things with Nathan and Jenelle seem to keep getting worse, and when he tags along for a doctor visit their emotions capsize. Nathan tells Jenelle that they aren’t going to stay together, and when Jenelle asks if she should get an abortion, Nathan says yes. “He might as well be dead,” Nathan says while they are arguing, and Jenelle completely loses it. Nathan starts to deny what he said, but Jenelle pulls over and asks him to get out of her car. I can’t say I blame her, because while they are fighting Nathan starts mocking her and calling her names and telling her that she is annoying. When Nathan finally gets out of the car, Jenelle breaks down and cries while she is all alone. How sad.
Nathan finally comes back, and he and Jenelle are finally able to have a conversation about their argument. Nathan seems very interested in the couple working as a team going forward, but Jenelle feels like Nathan doesn’t love her at all.
Kailyn Lowry Has To Raise Two Children On Her Own
Now that Kailyn and baby Lincoln are all settled at home, Javi has gone back to work. However, because Kailyn has the baby and toddler Isaac running around, she has her hands full as a stay-at-home mom. Somehow, she still manages to make dinner for the family, and thankfully Javi helps her out when he gets home.
Because of the new baby, Isaac has been acting out all day which is driving both Javi and Kailyn crazy. It’s even more upsetting because Kailyn doesn’t want Isaac to feel like he’s neglected. Because of this, she decides she is not having any more children — but Javi disagrees.
In other news, Jo calls Kailyn to tell her that he finally got his own apartment, and that Isaac has his own bedroom. Jo also reveals that his parents got separated and sold their house, which Kailyn is concerned about almost immediately. Isaac is used to going to visit Jo at his parents house, and now he’s going to be going somewhere new.
Jo expresses concern about the fact that Javi has been driving Isaac to him for his visits, but Kailyn explains that she has a newborn she needs to care for and can not be spending two hours on the road. When Jo mentions that Kailyn is going to have to get used to seeing his new girlfriend Vee now that she is living with him, Kailyn seems really annoyed. Thankfully, she bites her tongue to avoid from starting a fight.
After Javi drops Isaac off, Jo shows him that his parents house is empty because everyone is moving out. Isaac is really upset, but when he sees his new room at Jo’s new apartment he’s immediately excited again.
When Isaac comes home, he starts calling Javi dad, and Kailyn is concerned that Jo is going to yell at Isaac for it. Javi says that they are bonding and getting closer, and Kailyn agrees that Isaac should be allowed to call him whatever he feels comfortable with. No one has told Isaac to call Javi dad, he just started doing it on his own. However, Kailyn admits that if Isaac started calling Vee mom that she would not be okay with that.
Chelsea Houska’s Concerns About Adam Lind Hit An All-Time High
Adam picks up Aubree for another one of his trial visitation weekends, and it stresses Chelsea out. However, it’s finally time for Chelsea to go for her boards, so she is packed up and driving away for the night since the testing place is four hours away.
While Chelsea is away, we get our first look at how Adam is with Aubree during his visitation weekends. Adam and his girlfriend, Taylor Halbur, take their two daughters, Paislee and Aubree, on a bowling trip. Aubree has so much fun with Adam and Taylor, and Aubree even helps make Paislee smile when she starts to cry a little bit. It’s very cute! It’s also really nice to see Adam getting quality time with Aubree, which is something he has not had in a very long time.
Even though she should be focusing on her board test, Chelsea is really stressed out about being away from Aubree. However, when her friend starts pop-quizzing her the night before, she gets two out of three right. Hopefully she’s studied hard enough and will finally get certified!
After the test, Chelsea tells her friend she doesn’t think she passed the written portion of her test. Fingers crossed!
Once Chelsea gets back home, she gets to pick up Aubree from day care. As soon as she has Aubree in her arms she feels so much better, and she no longer seems worried about her test results. As soon as they get home, Chelsea starts asking Aubree a million questions about her weekend with her dad. Thankfully, Aubree had tons of fun and doesn’t seem to give Chelsea any reason to complain.
While Chelsea is still waiting for her test results, Adam gets into a horrific car accident. He was speeding, and he hit another car. Both cars burst into flames, and Adam had to be pulled out of his car. Now, he’s in the hospital. Chelsea is pissed, because if Aubree or Paislee had been in the car with him, they might have been seriously injured. For once, Chelsea is completely right about being concerned for Aubree’s safety with Adam.
Tell us, HollywoodLifers — What did you think of the Teen Mom 2 finale? Were you surprised by Ali’s diagnosis? What about Nathan and Jenelle’s crazy fighting? Let us know your thoughts below!
— Lauren Cox
Follow @Iaurencox
More ‘Teen Mom 2’ News:
- ‘Teen Mom 2′s Nathan Arrested Again — Will Pregnant Jenelle Visit Him?
- Jenelle Evans ‘Can’t Wait’ To Remarry — Engaged To Nathan Griffith?
- ‘Teen Mom 2′ Recap: Jenelle Bails Nathan Out After His Third DUI