Happy Mother’s Day to Priyanka Chopra! The Citadel actress, 40, smiled in an adorable video with her daughter Malti, 1, as her husband Nick Jonas, 30, wrote a loving tribute to his wife on Sunday, May 14. The photo gave a rare look at Malti’s face, and the couple’s daughter also rocked a pair of baby sneakers from Christian Louboutin, which retail for over $300.
In the photo, Priyanka had Malti up on her shoulders, and the Baywatch star rocked a gray cap, large sunglasses, and a beige cardigan with a matching top. In the video, she was seen with matching leisure pants from the set, and a pair of gray sneakers. Priyanka also accessorized with a pair of hooped earrings. Malti sported a leopard-print onesie, and the silver “Baby Funto” shoes with a red sole from Louboutin, which cost $345 according to the designer’s website.
In the short video that Nick also posted, Priyanka carried Malti as they went for a walk by the park. The couple’s daughter reached out to cross the street, and the actress jogged once the light turned. Priyanka had a huge smile on as they enjoyed their outing. In the caption, the Jonas Brothers star celebrated his wife. “Happy Mother’s Day my love. You are an incredible mother. You light up me and MM’s world every day,” he wrote.
On Nick’s Instagram Story, he also included tributes to his mom and his mother-in-law. Priyanka also penned an emotional caption on Instagram, thanking the many women in her life (including her and Nick’s moms), while reflecting on what it means to be a mother. “To all the moms out there.. the ones I have the privilege of knowing and working with and the ones I don’t… YOU are superheroes. As a new mum I have so much respect for all the providers and nurtures, (my mother insists mothers are also providers, I agree), who devote themselves to the next generation. My gratitude,” she wrote. “I love you Malti Marie. Thank you for making me a mama. Its the greatest honour of my life that you chose me.”
Priyanka has been very open about how much being a mom means to her in interviews and on social media. While looking back on the sacrifices her parents made for her to pursue her career in acting, she admitted she’d do the same for Malti. “If I were asked to give up my career and just move countries, I would do it without question for my daughter,” she told Femina.
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