Kourtney Kardashian Admits She’s ‘Not Perfect’ After Fans Call Her Out For Drinking Water Bottle On ‘KUWTK’

Kourtney Kardashian shamed sister Kim for using a single use plastic water bottle, but just got busted for doing the same thing.

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Single use plastic water bottles are one of the greatest pollutants to our oceans. So it was out of character for Earth mama Kourtney Kardashian, 40, to drink from one RIGHT AFTER SHE SHAMED sister Kim, 39 for doing the exact same thing. It all went down during the Dec. 1 Keeping Up With The Kardashians. She gave Kim a hard time for using a single use plastic water bottle at her office, then at the end of the episode was caught drinking from one herself. Fans caught notice and now Kourt’s getting heat, but apologizing.

Kourtney later tweeted out: “I was in Kim’s office and that’s all that was there and no, I’m not perfect, but I could have brought a reusable bottle for the day, this is true. #KUWTK,” as the episode aired. But that wasn’t enough for fans to shame her for her rightful preachiness over saving the environment while drinking from something disposable.

Twitter user Nilepurma wrote “arent they paying enough to their editors???? This shot should have never seen the light of day….”  Another user agreed, writing “production will pay for not editing that out. Ouch!” A woman named Jan Jacobs referred to Aquaman star Jason Momoa‘s high profile PSA effort to end single use plastic use since it’s killing our oceans, writing “Please stop using plastic bottles of any kind. Get with the @jasonmomoa about the environmentalist hottie.

Meanwhile, others shamed Kourtney for her use of private planes and other luxury lifestyle options that go way beyond a single use plastic water bottle. User Frank responded, “Don’t you guys use private jets doesn’t that defeat the purpose of using a reusable water bottle?” Yeah, and that goes for luxury yachts, but fan Sarah Delta was ready to forgive, posting “Kourtney ya hearts in the right place always trying to be environmentally friendly and try and encourage your family to do the same!.”