Nancy Pelosi Does A Hip Shimmy After House Passes Biden’s $1.9 Trillion Covid Relief Bill — Watch

Nancy Pelosi literally did a happy dance when the House passed President Biden's COVID relief bill, despite zero Republican support.

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Fans are loving that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi got in a little victory dance when announcing that the House of Representatives had passed President Joe Biden‘s $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill, sending it to the 78-year-old POTUS for his signature. “On this vote, the yeas are 220, the nays are 211. The motion is adopted,” Pelosi joyously announced when reading off the final tally. The 80-year-old then banged her gavel and shimmied her hips back and forth in a quick happy dance.

Political watchers noticed Nancy’s cute moves and tweeted with glee about it. User @PrayN4aSunnyDay wrote, “I enjoyed Speaker Pelosi’s little dance of joy,” while @Satin_Lavender pointed out, “Speaker Pelosi is so happy she even did a little hip zip dance. Great job by the Democrats! Congratulations!” Even Nancy’s own daughter Christine Pelosi, 54, noticed her mom’s victory movement and tweeted about it:

Fan @HappinHan01 tweeted, “Nancy Pelosi did a little shimmy shake whilst banging the gavel today. Okay auntie NANC shake them girls like it’s Saturday night on the dance floor. I can’t be the only one that saw it.” @ChandradattJag1 observed, “Saw the little feeling to Dance by Nancy Pelosi lol. You can tell she is happy!! Covid Relief has passed! Waiting on @POTUS to sign!” Another user had already turned Nancy’s happy dance into a GIF!

Biden had high praise for Pelosi getting the job done on behalf of his COVID relief bill. She managed to get all 220 Democrats in the House on board with the yea votes, while all 210 House Republicans and one Independent voted against the passage. Biden afterwards said in a statement that Nancy is “The finest and most capable speaker in the history of our nation. She has led into law an historic piece of legislation that addresses a major crisis and lifts up millions of Americans.”

Nancy Pelosi
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi bangs her gavel and announces President Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill has passed the chamber. Photo credit: SHAWN THEW/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

Biden is expected to sign the bill into law on Fri. March 12, making it his first major piece of legislative victory since he was sworn into office on Jan. 20, 2021. The relief package will offer Americans a $1,400 stimulus check, $300 weekly federal unemployment aid through September 2021, funding to speed up vaccine distribution, reopen schools, and other funds to help revive the economy a year after the COVID-19 pandemic took such a terrible toll on Americans’ livelihoods.