Chelsea Handler Reveals She Tried To Shoot Her Shot With NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo By Asking Him Out

Chelsea Handler has the hots for Andrew Cuomo, and she’s letting him know on national TV. And she wants ‘The View’ co-hosts to ask him why he ghosted her after agreeing to a date!

UPDATE, 10/29/20, 11:53am ET: Yes, The View co-hosts asked Andrew Cuomo if he’s seriously ghosting Chelsea Handler after her appearance on the previous episode. The New York governor giggled and tried to deflect. “I’ve had a lot of conversations about flattening the curve, but never quite that way,” Cuomo said after seeing the replay of Chelsea’s interview. “I’m a big fan of Chelsea’s and she’s great. We have fun. But on my dating life — and this point, I’m only dating in-state residents,” he joked. “I’m dating New York residents. If Chelsea changes her residency then maybe we can work it out.”

ORIGINAL: Count Chelsea Handler among the people who got a little hot and bothered by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo‘s daily coronavirus press briefings. The comedian, 45, confessed on The View that she tried to shoot her shot with Cuomo, 62, this year, and it totally worked. She asked him out, and he agreed to a date! Then, he totally ghosted her. She wants answers. But first, she told the co-hosts just why she was so into the governor.

“First of all, he’s like a big giant — he came in like the Incredible Hulk, right? We needed someone to come on the scene,” Chelsea said of the governor’s behavior during the early days of the COVID-19 crisis. “We were so dehydrated for real leadership. Then he came on the scene, looking like this big, Italian hunk. He was like, ‘wear a mask,’ I was like, ‘I’ll wear a mask, I’ll put a mask on every part of my body. I want to flatten your curve, and you can flatten my curve and then we can both apex together.”

Cuomo is coincidentally slated to appear on The View the day after her interview, October 29. The former Chelsea Lately host had a special request for the ladies in light of this. “I did have a conversation with Cuomo a few months ago, and I did ask him out on a date. And he did say yes. And then I never heard from him,” Chelsea revealed. She wants the co-hosts to ask him why he’s never called to set up the date! His interview just got a lot more interesting.

Chelsea Handler and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (AP Images)

Ana Navarro hilariously pointed out that Chelsea’s schedule is a “little busy” right now. The comedian had confessed earlier in the show that she offered to pay ex-boyfriend 50 Cent — and not with money — to get him to vote for Joe Biden in the 2020 election. It’s unclear if he took her up on the offer, but he did publicly denounce Donald Trump

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