Lady Gaga, 34, was one of the biggest winners at the VMA’s 2020 on Sunday, August 30. The annual ceremony, hosted by Keke Palmer in New York City, brought out some of the biggest talents in the industry with the “Poker Face” star cleaning house in many of the categories including Best Song and Best Collaboration for “Rain On Me” with Ariana Grande! Something that was also impressive to see was the variety of incredible face masks that Gaga sported with each unique look she brought during one of the biggest entertainment night’s of the year.
Gaga’s first face mask was seen when she arrived at the VMA’s in an outfit that was quite fitting for the ceremony. She dressed totally glam in an number that looked like it was straight from outer space (the awards are called Moon Person after all). It included a see-through helmet which was perfect in her helping to stop the spread of COVID-19. Great job!
See? Face masks are not only necessary in the world we live in right now but can also be totally cool! Gaga sported a glow in the dark one during her show-stopping performance which she paired with a fierce purple and black look.
The NYC native kept fans wanting more and more and more with every outfit and face mask she wore during the VMA’s. This pink one was another jaw-dropper during one of her many acceptance speeches.
Yes, the Oscar winner was actually able to pair a stunning & poofy green dress with a face mask that included actual horns. Fashion aside, she did stress the importance of wearing one during one of her acceptance speeches, saying, “It’s a sign of respect.”
Gaga and the word understated are like oil and water. This over the top silver outfit, complete with a silver face mask, is just another example of why she’s been one of the biggest style icons for over the past ten years.
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