‘RHOA’s Sheree Whitfield Reveals Her COVID-19 Symptoms As She Urges Fans To ‘Take It Serious’

'RHOA' star Sheree Whitfield is opening up EXCLUSIVELY about her coronavirus battle and shares what she learned as she continues to recover at home in Atlanta!

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Real Housewives Of Atlanta star Sheree Whitfield, 50, never thought she’d come down with COVID-19. “It’s no joke,” Sheree told HollywoodLife EXCLUSIVELY during an Instagram Live episode of TVTalk on July 20. “People need to take it serious. For the most part I stayed pretty safe. I wore my mask when I went to the grocery store. I didn’t go to many places at all which is why I was able to trace it back. A girlfriend had a small dinner at her house for her birthday and she had maybe 15 people and I kind of stayed away. I just kind of stayed with the two people around and she had a whole weekend thing. She had a brunch and there was maybe 7 or 8 people there,” Sheree explained.
The former housewife and She by Sheree creator thought she was experiencing a bout of bad allergies at first, so she didn’t take it too seriously until things took a quick turn for the worse. “I started getting a scratchy throat,” Sheree said. “A couple of days later I developed a really dry cough but it’s normal for me because when the seasons change. I started getting a headache and I usually don’t start getting headaches in your eyes and your nose and your whole face is just hurting and so I thought I had a sinus infection or allergies. I did that for 3 days hoping that’s what the problem was. I had a low grade fever. With that came body aches, fever. I literally didn’t get out of my bed for 2 weeks. I did not eat for one week. You lose your taste and your smell and you just cannot eat. I would force myself to eat an orange and a couple of crackers a day, but that’s literally what I ate for a whole week,” she explined.
Once she started feeling under the weather, Sheree reached out to her friend and couldn’t believe her reply. “I find out that she had [the virus], her and her whole family — I don’t know if this is where I got it from,” Sheree revealed. “But her and her whole family ended up with COVID a few days after I was there. This is the problem that I have with that is that you have a moral obligation if you know you contracted this. You should reach out to people if you have been around them,” she added.
Unfortunately, Sheree isn’t the only one in the Whitfield home to come down with COVID-19, as her younger daughter started experiencing symptoms as well. “Kaleigh, my youngest daughter, she tested positive,” Sheree said. “She’s doing good. Her symptoms are much different than mine.”
Since falling ill on June 30, the former housewife is happy to say she’s finally starting to feel better with at home remedies. “I’m self treating, self medicating, just trying to build my immune system back up,” Sheree added. “Edellberry, blackseed oil, just really lots of oranges and things like that trying to build my immune system back up. It’s not back 100%, my taste. But I have my smell. And just fatigue. All I want to do is sleep all day.”