Teddi Mellencamp Reveals She’s 15 Lbs. Away From Pre-Baby Weight: Her Diet & Exercise Routine Revealed

Just two months after giving birth, Teddi Mellencamp tells us EXCLUSIVELY how she’s been able to drop 45 pregnancy pounds!

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“I think this is such a different experience then it was…with Slate and Cruz,” Teddi Mellencamp says when talking EXCLUSIVELY with HollywoodLife about losing her baby weight. Teddi, 38, and husband Edwin Arroyave welcomed the newest addition to their family, Dove Mellencamp Arroyave, on Feb. 25, giving daughter Slate, 6, and son Cruz, 5, a baby sister. While many new mothers struggle with shedding the extra pounds that come with pregnancy, the Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills star says that she’s been able to drop the pounds much easier this time around. Granted, as Teddi acknowledges, she and her family are under quarantine, so she has more time to hit the home gym.

Yet, as she tells HollywoodLife, there’s more to it than just having time to work out. She reveals the diet and exercise routine that has allowed her to drop nearly 50 pounds. She also talks about if breastfeeding has helped her shed weight, if she’s counting calories, and more.

HollywoodLife: How is the baby weight coming off? How have you found it bouncing back from baby Dove?

Teddi Mellencamp: I think this is such a different experience then it was before because I was able to be active. Were with Slate & Cruz, I was on and off bed rest, so it made the recovery so much different. I was cycling the day that I gave birth to Dove, so I’ve been able to be active quicker. I already had a healthy lifestyle, so it wasn’t a big shift in that regard.

How many calories a day are you eating right now to lose the baby weight but also to stay healthy?

I don’t count calories. I’ve never done that. It’s all about eating foods that nourish my body. I try to eat as clean as possible, and [I’m] really focusing on that. It can lead to more obsessive tendencies when you’re counting calories. For me, it’s what is really going to make me feel my best and what are the foods that are going to aid in that.

What can people be eating to lose the baby weight in quarantine?

One of my go-to breakfasts is oatmeal. You add a little brown sugar, some berries, even frozen berries. I do a lot of quinoa and brown rice, avocado, veggies, chicken, fish. It really is about keeping it simple.

You look amazing! Have you lost all of the baby weight?

I lost 45, I think, this time and I have about 15 left.


Some people find that breastfeeding helps them lose weight. Are you finding that is working for you?

I’m not able to breastfeed. I was super emotional about it a couple of weeks ago, but I’ve come to terms with it at this point. I had my boobs done after I had Cruz, and I never thought that I could have kids again. I never thought I could have kids again and go through IVF, and all of that because I was done, and I thought I couldn’t get pregnant naturally. And, also, I have friends who had gotten their boobs done and [they] we’re able to breastfeed naturally, so I never thought to grill that question because it wasn’t in my mind. Then, after I had Dove, essentially [her breasts] were filling up, and they couldn’t get anything to come out. I got a little colostrum out of one side, and then it just stopped. It was heartbreaking at the time, and I was an emotional wreck. I was pumping, pumping, pumping, trying to do everything that I could to get the milk to come out. She’s fed.

Previously, Teddi told HollywoodLife that she wasn’t that worried about bouncing back from this third pregnancy. “Really, I’ve been active this entire pregnancy. I’ve been eating well…And I know that my program works,” she said in an EXCLUSIVE interview right before she gave birth. “I know that it’s a lifestyle change. It’s not a diet. If you look at it like, ‘I have to dye it after the baby comes.’ Yeah. That’s where a problem is going to happen. You’re going to start psyching yourself out and making a big deal of it. I know I’m like, ‘We’ll be good.'”

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