Hope and Landon are in a very good place right now, but when it comes to Legacies, you know trouble must be looming. HollywoodLife talked EXCLUSIVELY with Danielle Rose Russell about the evolution of Hope and Landon’s relationship moving forward in season 2. “Hope and Landon are going to go on quite the journey for the rest of the season,” Danielle told HollywoodLife at the SCAD aTVfest. “I think a lot of Hope’s emotional storyline really revolves around Landon, so that’s going to take kind of a turn. It does progress in a lot of ways, but it also goes through sets of ups and downs. We’ll see that happen. I can’t really say too much about it, but their dynamic does change.”
Hope’s not just going to be dealing with her relationship in the back half of the season. Dark Josie has taken center stage and she’s extremely dangerous wielding all that dark magic. Danielle teased that one of Hope’s big concerns will be bringing the real Josie back. “I think that this entire season, Hope has kind of taken a backseat to a lot of these other dynamics,” Danielle continued. “I think that Hope’s just going to do her thing and try to save the day. She cares about Josie, so she will always do what’s right for the people that she loves. It sucks to see someone that you love going through such a horrible thing. I think that she’s just going to do her best to bring her back.”
In the midst of everything, the Hosie fandom has continued to grow. Hosie fans were over the moon when Hope revealed that she once had a crush on Josie. HollywoodLife asked Danielle about her thoughts regarding fans shipping a possible relationship between these two characters.
“It’s a wonderful thing to be excited about,” Danielle said. “I think that in previous Vampire Diaries shows, this is such a step outside of what’s traditional. So I think that it’s wonderful that we can just do a show that does whatever it wants to, and I always want to do justice to storylines and to relationships. I think that whatever makes sense, I’d be more than happy to do. Right now, I think Hope and Landon make sense, but we’ll see what happens in the future. You never know. I would love to explore the fact that, even if it’s subtly, Hope is sexually fluid to some extent. I don’t know exactly what she identifies as, but we have explored that a little bit. It’s fun. It’s nice to see a female protagonist of the show get to step outside of that specific mold. That’s important to me as an actor.”
The first season really embraced the “monster of the week” element, but season 2 has gone in a somewhat different direction. Danielle said that the show will have “one monster that sticks around for a long time. The monsters have kind of taken a backseat this year, but they’re still fun to do every now and again when we do them. We do have a new villain, so that’s going to take front and center.” Legacies airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. on The CW.