‘Siesta Key’ Preview: Jared Admits He’s ‘Depressed’ & ‘Broken’ In Vulnerable Talk With Madisson

In this EXCLUSIVE 'Siesta Key' sneak peek, Madisson lends an ear to her ex, Jared, as he struggles to transition back into regular life after serving several years in the Navy. Watch here.

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Viewers will get a deeper look into newcomer, Jared Kelderman’s, life on the March 5 episode of Siesta Key, and HollywoodLife has an EXCLUSIVE sneak peek. As we saw earlier this season, Jared returned to Siesta Key after time serving in the Navy. Jared is connected to the group because he was romantically involved with Madisson Hausburg years before, around the same time she was dating Alex Kompothercras on and off. In this preview, Jared and Madisson meet up for lunch, and she learns more about what he’s going through since returning home.

“Some people want to get out [of the Navy],” Jared explains to Madisson. “I didn’t want to get out. I just had to.” It’s immediately obvious that Madisson feels for Jared, and she apologizes for not being there for him. “I feel terrible,” she admits. “I have to apologize — after you asked me out, I felt like I couldn’t be there for you in the way that you needed. I’m sorry. I want to be there for you and you have not left my mind. I do care about you and I want you to know that I’m here.” Jared accepts her apology, and gets quite vulnerable with her afterward.

When Madisson asks Jared how he’s “coping” with being home, he admits he drinks “every day” and gets “terrible nightmares” that prevent him from sleeping. However, when she suggests he talk to a professional about these feelings, he says, “I’m okay with being depressed all the time. It became normal that I just feel like s*** every day. I don’t like people thinking I’m crazy. I don’t like the fact that someone looks at me and that’s what they think — that that guy’s going to lose his mind every second now. I feel broken.”

Madisson is crushed by Jared’s confession, but we’ll have to see what happens next when the full episode of Siesta Key airs on March 5 at 9:00 p.m. on MTV!