During a drunken rage on The Challenge: XXX, Camila transformed into Camilanator. Yes, we all saw her hook up with Tony, who has two children and a girlfriend at home, but that quickly became the least of her problems.
While the guys were talking game, Leroy mentioned that everyone had the same thought in mind: who would get out the strong people like Bananas and Camila. Naturally she chimed in, but since she was wasted, she started screaming and in the process, kept bringing up the fact that Leroy was black — which offended every single person in the house.
“You are a f–king idiot. Guess how many wins you’ve had? Zero. You’re a f–king black mo–er f–king p–y,” she said, getting in his face, shocking everyone in the house. Naturally the entire cast was confused about why his race was even called out. When she was outside, she yelled again, “It’s all about black mo–er f–kers like that piece of sh-t.”
She was removed from the house, understandably, since she was coming for everyone, including security. At one point, she threw her bags in front of them and asked who would be carrying her bags. When they said they will, she said, “yeah, f–k you. S–k my d–k.”
Camila’s Next Mistake
The next morning, Leroy handled it as calmly as you could possibly imagine. “I should be super offended by it, but this is the world we live in,” he told the guys. Everyone assumed that when she arrived back at the house, she’d pull Leroy aside to apologize right away. But instead, she walked into a room that had Leroy in it too, but instead pulled Tony to talk game — not a great look for her.
But she wasn’t just going to get to avoid the issue. The minute TJ Lavin came into the room and called the cast together for nominations, Leroy called her out, asking if she had anything to say. Of course, she broke down, apologized, and said all the right things. She said that she was deeply sorry, that she knew an apology wasn’t enough, and knew that her actions needed to speak louder than her words.
“At some point, you’re gonna have to change. This is more than just a game. I feel bad for you, I really do,” Leroy said, before adding that he did also accept her apology, and was ready to move forward. During the episode, Camila posted on Instagram the following message:
Can we just point out that Leroy didn’t raise his voice or get frustrated once? He definitely deserves a ton of credit for handling it in the most mature way we could imagine. Nearly every cast member on the season, including vets Bananas and CT, spoke out during the episode, completely praising him for how adult he acted — something we don’t see often on this show.