Amanda Bynes’ Ex-Boyfriend Needs To Shut Up, Not Diss Her

Amanda's ex-boyfriend Doug Reinhardt just dissed her in a new interview, but it's so unkind to take a shot at her when she's down! Amanda Bynes swears she's OK, but most members of the outside -- and relatively sane -- world would agree that she's been going though some troubled times. That's why it's so not helpful, and in fact downright mean, for her ex-boyfriend Doug Reinhardt, 28, to randomly give an interview to OK! magazine in which he tells the world that she has "a few screws loose."

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Doug Reinhardt Amanda Bynes Crazy
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Doug Reinhardt Bashes Amanda Bynes

Doug, a former baseball player who appeared on The Hills reality show, is now a professional sports agent in LA.

Why he felt compelled to go public with unkind remarks about Amanda right now, I don’t know. But it’s not exactly helpful to Amanda, who is someone he once cared about.

“She would go crazy on me for no reason,” he says of their time together, dating in 2008. “She’s a great girl, a really great girl, but she has a few screws loose.”

He also claims in the mag that one day she was so upset that she kicked doors, threw rocks and bricks, and screamed.

Now there’s no denying that Amanda’s recent behavior in both real life incidents and on Twitter has been strange but this, if anything, should be a cause for concern from her current and former friends and boyfriends.

Amanda Bynes’ Twitter Feuds

She’s apparently cut off almost all of her hair and is wearing a bizarre long blonde wig; she also got into a Twitter war with Rihanna after tweeting, “Chris Brown beat you because you’re ugly.”

She tweeted that Lance Bass was an “ugly ex-boy band member,” and told Chrissy Teigen that she’s “just an ugly model” who “looks 45.”

She also attacked Jenny McCarthy after Jenny tweeted about the police being at Amanda’s house. “You’re ugly,” she wrote. “Aren’t u 50 years old? I’m 27, u look 80 compared to me!”

This was all before she tweeted a flirty message to Liam Hemsworth: “Liam Helmsworth is the most gorgeous man on the face of the Earth other than Tanz Watson. FYi!”

Doug, Don’t Diss Amanda While She’s Down

She’s been arrested recently for reckless endangerment for allegedly throwing a bong out the window of her NYC apartment, as well as for being in possession of marijuana.

Amanda has also been accused of refusing to pay for blowouts at NYC salons, has allegedly locked herself in boutique store dressing rooms for hours– then claimed she has a doppelgänger who is actually doing all those things. Plus, witnesses have claimed that she’s been seen talking to herself in public to NYC.

All of these incidents and behaviors certainly don’t seem to be normal, healthy behavior.

That’s why anyone who knows Amanda, cares about her or has cared about her in the past should — if anything — be reaching out to her or her family and seeing if there is anything that they can do to help her.

Instead, Doug, you are dissing and telling on Amanda — not cool at all.

Doug, I hope you will restrain yourself from saying anything more negative about Amanda.

Remember a phrase that I’m sure your parents taught you — if you don’t have anything nice to say about someone, don’t say anything at all! Do you agree HollywoodLifers? Let me know!

WATCH: Amanda Bynes Calls Rihanna Ugly On Twitter

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— Bonnie Fuller

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More Amanda Bynes Feud News:

  1. Amanda Bynes Making Fun Of Justin Beiber On Twitter?
  2. Rihanna To Amanda Bynes: ‘I’m Done’ With Twitter Feud
  3. Amanda Bynes Calls Lance Bass An ‘Ugly Ex Boy Band Member’