‘Kyler Loves Jesus’: 5 Things To Know About TikTok Star Dragged For Calling Abortion ‘Murter’

TIkTok user @kylerlovesjesus just got himself in hot water by ranting about abortion in a video... and calling it 'murter.' Find out why fans are dragging him so hard for the mistake, and more.

Reading Time: 4 minutes
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Image Credit: REX/Shutterstock

TikTok isnā€™t just for funny videos and dance challenges, apparently. A popular TikTok user called @kylerlovesjesus, aka a dude named Kyler (last name unknown), used  his channel to lecture his followers about the ā€œdisgustingā€ practice of abortion, and how he believes that no one should have them. The fans werenā€™t focused on his message, though. They dragged him on Twitter for repeatedly and forcefully pronouncing the word ā€œmurderā€ as ā€œmurt-er.ā€ So, what else should we know about Kyler?

1. Kylerā€™s TikTok fans were confused by the bizarre videoā€™s contents. In Kylerā€™s minute-long video from July 22 (watch below), the devout Christian rambled about not supporting abortion, and how women and men seeking them are ā€œplayedā€ by abortion providers. He tells his viewers, ā€œKilling innocent babies is not okay. If you donā€™t want to have a baby, do not have sex. Wait til marriage or use a condom, bro. If you think having an abortion is even close to a thing thatā€™s not abortion ā€” yeah youā€™re right, itā€™s called murt-er, and itā€™s legal. Yeah, youā€™re right; itā€™s not called abortion. Itā€™s called MURT-ER. And itā€™s legal in four states. Itā€™s disgusting.

ā€œYeah, youā€™re male and think you have no choice? You want to hear something funny, though? The doctors that youā€™re allowing to perform those abortions have the choice because theyā€™re males. How does that make you feel? Youā€™re literally allowing these males to kill your baby. But thatā€™s okay? Okay. Got ā€˜em! You just got clowned, bro. Cause I just see how many people are brainwashed, man. And I love you guys, so thatā€™s why I have to tell you the truth.ā€

2. He got absolutely dragged on his livestream and on Twitter for saying ā€œMURTER.ā€ The video itself has received r8062 comments and has been shared 2359 times in totalā€¦ so far. People on Twitter were baffled, to say the least, by his ā€œmurt-erā€ comment. ā€œI should be mad but Iā€™m laughing MURTER,ā€ one viewer tweeted. ā€œitā€™s NOT ILLEGAL ITā€™s called MURTER,ā€ another joked, using his own words against him. ā€œbro you look like a bicycle seat how df u gonna come for what women choose/dont choose to do Ive read the bible you clearly have not, you are supposed to love your neighbors and show love to everyone not be an edgy meme lord that hates women and gays,ā€ another wrote on Instagram.

3. Fans also corrected his (many) factual errors. Aside from the obvious, that abortion is not murder and women should have the right to choose what they do or donā€™t do with their bodies, Kyler got a few other things wrong. Firstly, he posited that all abortion providers are men which, justā€¦ what? He also stated that abortion is legal in four states. Itā€™s actually legal in all 50 states, and has been since 1973. He may have misspoken and meant illegal, as Ohio, Georgia, Alabama, and Missouri have all passed proposals to restrict or altogether ban abortion ā€” though it isnā€™t illegal yet.

4. He apologized on Instagram while also defending himselfā€¦ and slamming the LGBT community.  ā€œI donā€™t hate anyone, I love everyone. I donā€™t condemn you. I know the truth and stand on the word of God,ā€ Kyler wrote. ā€œJesus came and died 2000 years ago on Calvaryā€™s cross for our sins. We donā€™t have to live in fear, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts ā€” none of that. But, we can live in covenant with the father and live with the fruits of the Spirit. God has a plan for everyoneā€™s life ā€” a plan much greater than anything you can imagine. And that is why I do not agree with abortion; because, it is taking a life away from a baby that is silent and helpless with a call of God on his/her life.

ā€œI do not stand for any type of sin or support the LGBTQ community. Not because I hate those people, but because I know the word of God is more real than anything else. Because Jesus is the only one who came and defeated death, hell, and the grave and rose again three days later with POWER. I wonā€™t stand down because of hate, but I will glorify God through the persecution. I honor God, I respect God. I do not condemn anyone, but I tell you the truth out of love. Romans 3:23/ 6:23 ā€˜For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, but for the wages of sin is death and the gift of God is eternal life through out Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 10:13 ā€œWHOEVER CALLS UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED'ā€

5. And when that apology was not accepted, he apologized again on his Instagram story. Kyler posted a message to his fans on his Instagram story after the first apology faced backlash, writing, ā€œIā€™m sorry for things Iā€™ve said, however, I stand on [sic] my opinion and Iā€™m allowed to have an opinion. I respect other peopleā€™s opinion and I respect women, and womenā€™s rights. However, I do not support abortion. If you have an abortion I donā€™t hate you, and I donā€™t condemn you or judge you. Itā€™s your body and your choice. However, I will not promote it or support it by approving it.ā€