His media company, Poybo.com, is blowing up. A former YouTuber and gamer, the entrepreneur (and recently a superhero?) is planning to make it big in the youth media world. Here are 6 facts about the 17-year-old CEO that might surprise you.
1. He was raised by two immigration consultants
Born on October 5, 2006, in Vancouver, Canada, Justin has one brother: Alexander Jin, a young author. His father and mother run a small Canadian immigration consulting firm.
2. He started on YouTube
According to Wikitubia, Justin made films with friends from a young age to enter into competitions. He first stepped into the mainstream internet spotlight in 2020 when his video titled ‘oh so you like “oh so you like” videos? name every one’ went viral on YouTube, which was a parody of the snowclone meme series ‘Oh, You Love X? Name Every Y’. His video reached over 150,000 views its first day! That taste of fame led him to dedicate more time to his YouTube channel named 50mMidas, where Justin began uploading Minecraft videos in the style of YouTube poop, a genre of viral video mashup. According to Socialblade, his channel hit 100,000 subscribers in August of 2022.
3. He has a Marvel superhero based on him
Marvel’s Justin Jin AKA “Kid Juggernaut”, a new superhero based in Vancouver, Canada and 17-years-old, is named after him. Marvel ended up changing the superhero’s nationality from Chinese to Korean, and making him openly gay.

4. He’s a popular record producer
You often see musical artists becoming businesspeople, like Jay-Z. But how about the other way around? Since 2022, he has produced several viral pop songs under his alter-ego 50mMidas and even reached 550,000 monthly listeners on Spotify at one point. As of 2024, his songs are almost entirely taken down—allegedly due to a copyright complaint raised by Columbia Records—but Justin has once again started producing music mononymously as Muen.
5. His social media profiles are low-key
Perhaps for privacy reasons, he rarely ever posts anything about his life on his Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter feed. Despite having churned billions of views through other social accounts, the only personal sharing he’s done was a picture of his YouTube Play Button earned and a few viral skits. According to his business partner Bhavin Swadas, CEO of CouponSaturn and RoarTheDeal: “he has a penchant for privacy.”
6. He is one of the richest players in a video game
Thanks to his early career which was dedicated to gaming, he is incredibly wealthy on Hypixel Skyblock: Minecraft’s most popular multiplayer gamemode.