Priyanka Chopra, 40, spent some quality time with her daughter Malti, 1, in a new Instagram photo. The adorable duo played with makeup in London, England, in the snapshot, and it was a moment to remember. The doting mom wore a white robe as she held the little one, who looked up at her, in her arms, and made a kissing face as she held a makeup brush up to her chin.
“Glam with mama. #MM,” Priyanka captioned the post along with some emojis, including a red heart. It didn’t take long for her fans to comment with kind words. “Sweetness,” one fan wrote, while another called the photo “pure love.” A third wrote, “This made my day” and many more shared red heart emojis.
Priyanka’s loving photo with Malti, whom she shares with husband Nick Jonas, comes after she and the singer went out to dinner together in New York City, NY. They were joined by Nick’s brother Kevin Jonas and his wife Danielle Jonas, and were photographed holding hands. Their outfits got attention and included a long white dress under a black coat and black heeled knee-high boots for Priyanka, and a white graphic tee under a dark blue jacket, matching pants, and white sneakers for Nick. The “Chains” crooner also added a green fanny pack to the look.
The lovebirds also made headlines when they attended Paris Fashion Week earlier in the month. They showed up to the Valentino show and wore epic outfits. Priyanka rocked a bright pink fashion choice that included a long layered dress with a plunging neckline. She added matching pointy boots and carried a purse to top it off as she confidently posed on the carpet of the event. Nick’s all black suit matched the pattern of his wife’s look.
Priyanka and Nick have been married since 2018 and seem to be stronger than ever. After having multiple weddings to celebrate their union, they went on to welcome Malti via surrogate and have been joyously sharing their new life as a party of three with the public whenever they want.
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