Nick Jonas and his wife Priyanka Chopra made sure to celebrate their baby girl’s first birthday in a big way after she suffered an intense health scare when she was born, causing her to spend 100 days in the NICU. The pop star opened up about Malti’s milestone when he stopped by The Kelly Clarkson Show on Friday, January 13. “We had to celebrate,” he said. “She went through a pretty wild journey in the early part of her life, and so we had to celebrate in style.”
The Scream Queens alum then revealed his plans for the new year, saying he has “goals and ambitions” for 2023, but they may have to take the back seat to his role as a parent. “There’s a lot on the personal front being a new father, so that’s taking up most of my time,” he quipped, to which host Kelly Clarkson hilariously added, “Are you gonna try and sleep next year?”
The gorgeous stars welcomed Malti in January 2022 via surrogate, and the following May they revealed she was born premature and had to spend more than three months in the neonatal intensive care unit. “On this Mother’s Day we can’t help but reflect on these last few months and the rollercoaster we’ve been on, which we now know, so many people have also experienced. After 100 plus days in the NICU, our little girl is finally home,” Priyanka captioned the first photo she shared of their little one.
While the couple had kept the pregnancy very private, it came as no surprise to longtime fans, as Priyanka was vocal about her plans for motherhood in the past. The star shared with Today hosts in October 2019 that she “couldn’t wait” to start a family. “I mean there’s so much that happens in our lives that whenever God blesses us with that it’s something that we both definitely want.”
Meanwhile, the couple have the benefit of parenting advice at their fingertips — and perhaps a little babysitting help — from Nick’s family! Nick’s brothers — Joe and Kevin Jonas — are already fathers; Joe shares daughter Willa and a newborn with wife Sophie Turner, and Kevin shares daughters Alena and Valentina with wife Danielle.
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