Gaslit is STARZ’s newest series that’s filled to the brim with star power. The show revolves around the evolution of the Watergate scandal, this time focusing on Martha Mitchell, who became Watergate’s biggest whistleblower. Darby Camp plays Marty Mitchell, Martha and John Mitchell’s daughter, who finds herself as a young girl in a very grown-up world. Darby spoke EXCLUSIVELY about Marty’s relationship with her parents and more.
“Her relationship with her parents definitely has some ups and downs,” Darby told HollywoodLife. “Her mom is dragging her to all of these parties, and she’s always around adults and in her mom’s shadow. It definitely takes a toll on Marty, and she kind of matures really fast. She’s an 11-year-old. She never really gets that true childhood, so it kind of makes me feel sad for her. It’s really interesting just to watch and see how that affects her.”
Martha Mitchell, played by Oscar-winner Julia Roberts, is a larger-than-life presence at any social gathering. Darby noted that Marty is “pretty straight-laced” and doesn’t want to “cause any conflict” for her parents. “She kind of just goes with the flow even if it means her feelings are in jeopardy. She still just kind of goes with whatever will make her mom happy,” she added.
Darby has worked with Hollywood icons before, and she was “so unbelievably excited” that Julia and Sean Penn would be playing her onscreen parents. “Just before I had the audition, I actually watched Pretty Woman for the first time, so I was already a huge fan. It just made me even more excited to work and meet with Miss Julia and Mr. Sean as well,” Darby told HollywoodLife.
The young actress got to work alongside Julia for a good chunk of Gaslit’s production. “She is just such a genuine, friendly, down-to-earth human being,” Darby raved about Julia. “She was so sweet and kind to me. There was some downtime where we kind of got to talk and know each other. She was just such an amazing role model even before I’d met her as well. She taught me to just always be prepared and professional and stand up for yourself and know your worth, as well as have fun on set. The glass is half full on set, so have fun with it.” Gaslit airs Sundays on STARZ.
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