There are protests happening all around Seattle. There’s a curfew in place as well. Richard is headed to go protest, while Winston is coming to Seattle from Boston to be with Maggie for good. Hayes shows up at Grey Sloan with his kids, and he’s bleeding from the head. He was attacked by counter-protesters.
A number of patients come in after being injured at the protests. One young man was shot with a rubber bullet right in the heart. Another woman has shrapnel in her chest. The doctors have their work cut out for them.

Meanwhile, Meredith is getting better, but she’s still sleeping most of the time. She’s very weak, but she’s on the mend.
While on his way to Seattle, Winston gets pulled over by a cop. He’s talking to Maggie, and she begs him to stay on the line with her. Suddenly, the line goes dead. Maggie tries to call him and even has a nurse keep trying as she cares for a patient. When Maggie still hasn’t heard from Winston, she calls Richard. He tells her that he’ll keep calling Winston while she works on her patient.
In the middle of surgery, Richard gets a hold of Winston. She runs out to talk to her fiance. The officers searched his car, and the police dog went through all his stuff. He was pulled over because his bike rack was obscuring his license plate. Winston is angry and shaken over what’s just happened, but at least he’s safe.

Bailey’s patient is an active runner who doesn’t think the COVID-19 virus is real. She has to leave the room and scream a bit in the stairwell over the patient’s conspiracy theories. She pleads with him to be admitted because the blood clot in his leg could be dangerous and even fatal. He refuses. She later discovers that he’s passed out right outside the hospital, and he ends up dead.
During surgery, Jackson reveals to Richard that he’s never protested before. He’s always just donated money. After hearing about the powerful protest stories from a patient and Richard, Jackson goes to his mother. “Why don’t we have scars, mom?” he asks. He wants to know why they haven’t been marching. This patient inspires Jackson to march for the very first time.

When he gets in his car, Jackson is told that his trip is 11 hours away. Where is Jackson going? Is he going to march somewhere? Could he be visiting April? Time will tell!