Falling in love is easy. Making friends? That’s hard. That desire to find that deep connection lies at the neon pink heart of “Looking For A Friend,” the new video from alt-pop trio, Band Of Silver. At the start of the visual, premiering here at HollywoodLife, singer Avery Silvernagel finds herself venturing out alone into a new bar. As the house band – the other 2/3rds of Band of Silver, Alex Silvernagel (guitar and vocals), and Evan Silvernagel (drums) – plays, Alex seemingly wonders if this trip was a mistake – until she finds another lonely-hearted individual also in search for a friendly connection.
“The lyrics to ‘Looking for a Friend’ are some of the most autobiographical I’ve written,” Avery tells HollywoodLife. “I thought of the topic while going to clubs around Nashville trying to meet new people. It was pretty nerve-wracking at first. I thought I would be the outsider with everyone having their social circles already established and all-around more put together than I was. Instead, I realized most of the people I met felt the same way I did.”

Hailing from Nashville and now situated in L.A., the Silvernagel siblings formed Band of Silver back when they were in high school. Though they grew up in the heart of the country music world, the group found inspiration in classic rock, modern pop, and everything in between – from Weezer to Madonna. “In the beginning, we’d write in the traditional Nashville way, where Alex would bring a guitar and I’d bring lyrics and we’d figure out how to put them together,” says Avery, per the band’s website. “With these songs, we wanted to try something different, so we decided to travel to LA to work with some amazing writers.”

The group linked up with Mike Green, who worked with such groups as Paramore and All Time Low, and Mitch Marlow, who has worked with Papa Roach, All That Remains, just to name a few. “They really broadened our horizons,” says Avery. The results speak for themselves. 2020 brought a new sonic evolution for the band, and they kicked off the next phase of their career with a series of singles — “Hello Sunshine,” “Closure,” “Starry Eyed,” and “Undertow” – that were collected into the Always EP.
The group has continued this momentum by releasing “Are We Are We Not,” a high-energy tightrope walk of a song, one that sees if two people should be more than just friends. “Are We Are We Not” and “Looking For A Friend” make up a new string of songs from Band Of Silver, meaning that even more music is on the way. Now, that’s something to look forward to.