Sacha Baron Cohen Wears Borat Costume In LA: Sparks Sequel Speculation – Hollywood Life

Sacha Baron Cohen Surprisingly Shows Up Dressed As Iconic Borat in LA – See Video

Fourteen years after 'Borat' shocked viewers, Sacha Baron Cohen once again dressed up as his most controversial character. He was being filmed by three people: two crew workers with big cameras, and one TikTok user!

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Has Borat been sent to the United States to make another movie? This was the premise of the 2006 mockumentary Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan, and 14 years later, fans are now wondering if a sequel is in the works thanks to one TikTok. On Aug. 19, TikTok user @alexandheir shared a video of Sacha Baron Cohen, dressed in Borat’s trademark gray business suit, “driving” a yellow pickup truck as it was pulled along the road by a trailer in Long Beach. In the back of the trailer were two people holding fancy cameras, pointed right at the 48-year-old actor!

In the clip, Sacha (or someone who could be a doppelgänger for the Borat star) squirmed in his seat as he rode past a McDonald’s restaurant. Within a day, the clip gained more than 1.6 million views, and the discussion carried onto Twitter with excited questions like, “ARE WE GETTING ANOTHER BORAT MOVIE?!?!”

Such questions can’t be answered right now, however, since neither Sacha or the original people who worked on the late aughts film have made an announcement about a sequel. This isn’t a surprise, since the first film was also a hush-hush project. HollywoodLife reached out to Sacha’s rep for comment, but didn’t hear back by the time of publication.

Sacha Baron Cohen
Sacha Baron Cohen dressed up as his parodical character, Borat Sagdiyev. (AP Images)

Sacha’s IMDb page also doesn’t suggest that he’s working on a Borat sequel; the most recent project listed on his acting resume is Mandrake the Magician, in which he’ll play the titular character. Fans last saw Sacha reprise his Borat character in a sketch for Jimmy Kimmel Live! in 2018. He has been up to his pranking antics, however; he disguised himself as a country singer to crash a Conservative rally in June of 2020.

Borat followed the story of a journalist from Kazakhstan who goes by the name of Borat Sagdiyev, who traveled to the U.S. to make a documentary. The satirical comedy was even executed like a real documentary with real people, who weren’t aware Sacha was playing a character, except for the four real actors in the film (Pamela Anderson, Ken Davitian, Luenell Campbell, Adrian Cortez). The character of Borat was outlandishly sexist and anti-Semitic (Sacha is actually Jewish), and the movie’s stereotypes sparked backlash from the government of Kazakhstan in 2006, although film critics pointed out that the parody shed light on prejudism in America.