Salma Hayek, 53, revealed she has been in quarantine for three weeks amid the global coronavirus pandemic, and posted an incredible throwback pic of herself doing yoga in evening attire. The sultry snap, which you can see here, showed the ageless actress putting her flexibility to the test as she laid on her stomach on a white table. Salma took to Instagram on April 3 to share the photo with her 14.6 million followers, which shows her holding a yoga position while wearing a black cocktail dress and what appear to be Louboutin pumps — to each their own! “When you start losing it after three weeks of quarantine,” she captioned the pic, adding the hashtags, “#challenge #yogainheels #quarantinemood.”
In the snap, Salma stared wistfully into the distance with a subtle pout, showing off her natural beauty and long brunette locks that cascaded down her back. Fans couldn’t believe how incredible she looked in the photo. “You look so pretty😍😍😍,” one follower wrote, while hundreds of other fans dropped heart eye emojis in the comments section. Nevertheless, some fans were puzzled by her choice of attire. “Isn’t it uncomfortable in such shoes and such a dress?” one person asked.
The stunning actress seriously does not age a day, and she proved that when she stepped out on the red carpet at the premiere of her new film, The Roads Not Taken, at the 70th Berlin International Film Festival in Germany on Feb. 26. Salma opted to wear a stunning sleeveless black gown that was super form-fitting, highlighting her fabulously fit and curvy figure. The best part of the elegant dress was the bodice which was completely covered in sequin embellishments. The high neckline was lined with gorgeous bedazzled jewels, forming a scoop neck, while the outline of the arms were also bedazzled.
Salma slayed every press look for her new movie and aside from her beautiful black gown, she stepped out earlier that same day at a photocall for the film in a sheer black Alexander McQueen Resort 2020 chiffon dress. The long-sleeve dress featured transparent sleeves while the bodice was super fitted, featuring a high mock neck. A thick black leather belt cinched in her tiny waist while the rest of the frock flowed into a ruffle tiered skirt that was sheer around her shins. She topped her look off with chunky gold layered necklace and a pair of black leather platform wedges.
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