All Hail To Nancy Pelosi: The Female Speaker Of The House Once Again

This is a historic moment -- a woman has been sworn in as Speaker of the House of Representatives on the 100th anniversary year of women getting the right to vote AND there have been a record 116 women elected to Congress -- up from 89 in 2016.

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Ladies, savor this moment of triumph. On Jan. 3, Nancy Pelosi took the gavel and was sworn in as the Speaker of the House of Representatives. And she did this, at 78 years old, smiling and looking completely energized, surrounded by her grandchildren and an excited crowd of other adorable children. In her own words, she called the new 2019 House to order “on behalf of all of America’s children.”

And that’s a breath of fresh air because, she realizes, unlike the current commander-in-chief, that as a top elected national leader (she’s 3rd in line for the presidency) her job is to preserve and grow democracy, and to truly make America great for the current and future generations. That includes in her own words, addressing climate change. “The people are ahead of Congress — we must put an end to the inaction and denial that threaten the future,” she told America in her acceptance speech.

She welcomed and congratulated all the members of the new House including the 42 freshmen female members of the most diverse House of Representatives ever. Thanks to the misogynistic behavior and policies of Donald Trump, a record number of women said, “I’m not going to take it anymore,” and ran for office. Then there was Trump’s Muslim travel ban, his stridently anti-immigrant policies and his unwavering support for the NRA and refusal to tighten gun laws despite repeated school massacres. All of this inspired women to run for office, so they could take power into their own hands.

Women like Lucy McBath, 59, whose 17 year-old son, Jordan Davis, was murdered at a gas station by a stranger because the car he was sitting in at a gas station, was playing loud music. She took her grief and channeled it into gun control activism and then into running to be the representative of Georgia’s 6th congressional district in Congress. She won.

And how about Ilhan Omar, 37, the first Somali American to serve in Congress. She came to America as a refugee 23 years ago with her family, fleeing the violence of the 1991 Somali Civil War. How ironic — she is exactly who Donald Trump wants to virtually ban from entering America — a refugee, and a Muslim, at that. Now, she’s been elected to proudly represent Minnesota’s 5th congressional district and Democrats formally ended the ban on religious head coverings on the House floor, so she can wear her hijab.

These are just two of the women that Nancy Pelosi was welcoming and celebrating in Congress today as she received a standing ovation, for reassuming her position as Speaker of the House. She previously served in the position from 2007 to 2011. While Pelosi must first make her best efforts to end the Trump shutdown and get federal government employees back to work and receiving paychecks, she has big goals for her Democratic majority: “We must respect the truth… be champions of the middle class — the backbone of our democracy… protect the media… have an economy that works for all Americans… makes transparency the order of the day.. rebuild infrastructure… lower health care costs and protect people with pre-existing conditions… pass common sense background checks on gun buyers… protect our patriotic dreamers… pass legislation to protect LGBTQ Americans.”

These are all of Nancy’s stated goals and as she said herself, she and her Democratic House members are inheriting “a daunting situation.” Yes, it is a daunting situation with Donald Trump, who is assaulting every institution and the rule of law, while he’s president.

But don’t you feel better now, with a strong woman like Nancy Pelosi, who’s a total pro, representing you in the people’s House. And how inspiring to see all those diverse female faces filling Congress. Women and children from all backgrounds, including her own grandchildren, surrounding Pelosi as she swung the gavel after being sworn in.

Welcome to the real America, Donald Trump. Nancy Pelosi is ready to rumble for us!