Chris Brown Fights Request To Triple Child Support For Royalty, 4 — Spoiling Her Is ‘Harmful’

Nia Guzman wants more from her ex-man! She's taking Chris to court for increased child support every month, plus a six-digit retroactive payment. We've got all the details!

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Nia Guzman, 35, wants Chris Brown, 29, to loosen his purse strings a little! While the couple aren’t together anymore, they have joint custody of their daughter Royalty, 4, and Nia is requesting more money from her ex each month. “We fought for Royalty and I’m pleased that we won an increase in child support at a hearing last week doubling the support to $5,000 per month,” Nia’s lawyer Lisa Bloom told People. “The legally mandated guideline child support for someone at Brown’s income level is $18,336 per month. That is what Nia is requesting for Royalty.” On top of that, Nia is requesting that Chris pay a retroactive payment to make up for all the months that he didn’t pay this amount, which comes to a grand total of $190,000.

That’s not a number to shrug at — and Chris allegedly thinks that so much money could end up spoiling his young daughter because “providing a four-year-old with everything she demands could be harmful and is not in her best interest.” So how much has he been paying up to this point? On top of his child support, he has reportedly given about $10,000 for Royalty’s school, healthcare, childcare, travel and activities. “That is unfair as Brown makes over $4 million per year,” Nia’s lawyer said in response to this amount. “We think Chris Brown should be required to follow the law just like everyone else.”

So will the rapper be ordered to give in to the request his ex has filed? Only time will tell. But if not, this wouldn’t be the first time that Nia has demanded that Chris boost his child support payments only to be denied.