Jennifer Lopez Works Out In Skintight Leggings & Does Grueling Pull-Ups On A Boat — Watch

Even on vacation, there are NO DAYS OFF for J-Lo! Her boyfriend posted a video of her doing pull-ups in the middle of the sea and you just have to SEE it!

Jennifer Lopez, 49, is obviously committed to her fitness routine! Luckily, so is her boyfriend, former professional athlete Alex Rodriguez! The sexy couple is on a romantic vacation is southern Italy. They spent the week shopping and dancing through Capri, and now they are on a boat off the Almafi Coast. But even while lounging on a yacht, J-Lo and A-Rod made sure to get up early (5:43am was the time stamp on his first Instagram post) to get in a workout. Ar-Rod posted a video of Jennifer doing pull-ups while Cardi B‘s “I Like It” blasted in the background.

DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO DO A PULL-UP?! Are you having flashbacks to high school gym class? I am! Jennifer just turned 49 and is in the best shape of her life. Pull-ups obviously work your arms and shoulders, but your abs as well, since you need to keep your core stable. J-Lo is always switching it up, which is why every part of her body looks flawless! She was wearing a gray tank bodysuit and snakeskin Niyama Sol leggings — she wears the brand for just about every workout she does! Scroll down to watch the video of J-Lo’s pull-ups!

Celebrity trainer and in-home gym designer Michael Blauner told that working out with a partner is a great way to stay motivated. “I would think they elevate each other to a higher level of fitness. Their competitive nature pushes them to go hard!” Michael continued, “Working out together is a great way to bond on different levels and let’s face it probably is a bit of a turn on. Everything gets better when you’re in great shape and your love life is no exception!” Michael recommends couples go for a challenging hike, or take a tennis lesson together.

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