There’s nothing wrong with showing love for your girlfriend, but 21 Savage crossed into icky territory with a comment he wrote next to an Instagram picture of Amber Rose, 34, when she was only 14-years-old. The photo showed her as a teenager in a crop top with a bare midriff, jeans and red lips. She’s giving somewhat of a pouty come hither look to the camera but remember, she is underage! “Young Amb. 14 years old,” the mother of one captioned her Flashback Friday photo and shortly posting it on March 2, boyfriend 21 Savage commented, “Hot and ready. Look at my lil caesar pizza.”
Okay, Amber does look really cute in the throwback pic, but saying that she looked “hot and ready” as barely a teenager is super creepy. Since he was one of the first people to jump in her comments section, everyone ended up reacting to his perving out on underage Amber instead of focusing on the actual pic. People wrote “@21savage Amber DUDE she was 14 on this,” “Did @21savage really just say a 14-year-old looks hot and ready,” “@21savage lmaoo dawg that’s a 14-year-old” and even “@21savage wtf that’s blatant pedophile talk.”
25-year-old Savage — real name Shayaa Bin Abraham-Joseph — hasn’t responded to being dragged for his controversial comment. But at least it’s about the woman he’s with now and not an actual teen today. These two tend to overshare anyway, as Amber recently revealed that she loves smelling his underwear because the scent of Savage’s junk turns her on. “It smells SO good!” she said on Feb. 8 during Loveline with Amber Rose. “Are we gross? That’s hot to me, I’m sorry,” Amber added. Well, at least 21 Savage is of legal age.