Donald Trump’s Support Of Bill O’Reilly Shows Complete Disregard For Women

Let's just lay this right on the line -- the President of the United States should not be lavishing praise on Fox News host Bill O'Reilly who has settled five sexual harassment cases. Describing O'Reilly as a 'good person' insults America's women.

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Donald Trump Support Bill OReilly
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The President of the United States, especially one who has also been accused of sexual harassment by thirteen women, should not be jumping to the defense of Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly.

O’Reilly, 67, is fighting the blowback from the revelation that he settled lawsuits with five women who accused him of sexual harassment, to the tune of $13 million in payouts.

More than 40 major advertisers including Mercedes-Benz, BMW,, Advil and T. Rowe Price, have far more sensitivity to America’s women than our own president, Donald Trump.

They have all pulled their advertising from Bill’s weekday show, The O’Reilly Factor. While these brands are fleeing from the association with a man who has disrespected female colleagues and employees at Fox, Donald Trump is standing by O’Reilly.

“Personally, I think he shouldn’t have settled. Because you should have taken it all the way; I don’t think Bill did anything wrong,” Trump told reporters from the New York Times today, April 5. â€śI think he’s a person I know well — he is a good person,” Trump asserted.

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Well clearly one p**sy-grabbing accused sexual harasser has loads of sympathy for another. And that bodes very badly for America’s women for the next four years.

Despite the fact that it ironically happens to be National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, there will clearly be no real protection for women from the Oval Office.

Trump hypocritically issued a statement dedicating “each April to raising awareness about sexual abuse and recommitting ourselves to fighting it. Women, children and men have inherent dignity that should never be violated.” I guess, except of course, if it happens to be your friend, Bill O’Reilly, who is the one accused of sexually violating.

Click here to see pics of Bill O’Reilly

This press release from Donald Trump about the issue of sexual harassment is clearly not worth the paper it’s printed on. Trump’s sympathies are for the accused male and not the female victim accuser.

Donald Trump was equally supportive of former Fox chairman and CEO Roger Ailes, 76, who was bounced out of his job after former Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson, 50,  sued him for sexual harassment and ultimately won $20 million. She opened the floodgates to multiple women who ended up accusing Ailes of harassment, with many also receiving multi-million dollar payouts.

Nevertheless, Donald Trump said he felt “very badly for Ailes,” and then he hired the accused sexual harasser to advise him during his presidential campaign.

So listen up American women — your president has absolutely no true empathy for victims of sexual harassment. He will not pursue policies that protect you. You are on your own.

HollywoodLifers, are you upset that Donald Trump is supporting Bill O’Reilly and not his victims? Let me know below!