How To Lose 10 Pounds In A Month — Exact Foods & How Many Calories To Eat: Expert

Weight loss boils down to burning more calories in a day than you eat, but it's not that simple. You CAN lose weight fast, in a healthy and simple way -- read expert advice on exactly what to eat and how much to work out below.

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Image Credit: Courtesy of Instagram

According to the Mayo Clinic, “Because 3,500 calories equals about 1 pound (0.45 kilogram) of fat, you need to burn 3,500 calories more than you take in to lose 1 pound. So, in general, if you cut 500 calories from your typical diet each day, you’d lose about 1 pound a week (500 calories x 7 days = 3,500 calories).”

It is recommended that most women eat 2,000 calories a day, so if you are trying to lose weight, aim for 1,500, or even 1,300 for faster results. Do not go under 1,200 calories per day or your metabolism will slow down and you will not have enough nutrients to fuel your body and your workouts. A diet of 1,300 calories a day paired with intense workouts can lead you to lose 10 pounds in just a month!

It also DOES matter how and where you get the calories from — you cannot just eat a doughnut at every meal and lose weight.

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Amanda K. Foti of is a NYC-based Registered Dietitian with a Master’s degree in clinical nutrition from New York University. She told us EXCLUSIVELY how to lose weight FAST the safe way:

“DO’S: losing weight fast in a healthy way is certainly possible. You don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars on packaged food plans, and in fact, it’s even better not to. Cleaning up what you’re eating, double checking portion sizes and pushing it in the gym is all you need — if you can stick with it. One of the biggest benefits of packaged meal plans is that it takes the work out of it so most people can stick with it for at least a couple weeks and start seeing results. The DIY quick weight loss takes some effort and commitment but is certainly possible.”

WHAT TO EAT — MEALS: “You should stick with 3 main meals a day consisting of lean protein and a fruit or veggies and a starch at 1 or 2 of your meals. Breakfast could be a spinach and tomato egg scramble. Lunch could be grilled chicken, sugar snap peas and hummus. Dinner could be broiled salmon over a bed of greens and sautéed asparagus. Snacks should also include protein, fiber and be properly portioned.

SNACKS: Snacks are also a great time to sneak in fruits (a little boost of energy from the natural sugar). Mid-morning could be 2 clementines + handful of almonds, mid-afternoon: Greek yogurt + berries.”


“1. Avoid alcohol and added sugar.

2. Hydrate with at least 64 oz water a day.

3. It’s ok to use a “meal replacement” protein bar or shake for a meal when tight on time. This is should contain between 200-250 calories and have at least 12g of protein.

4. Push it in the gym, at least 3 to 4 times a week — you should be exercising at a challenging level. Don’t worry so much about the calories that the machine is telling you that you burned or hitting your 45-minute goal on the elliptical. To get the most bang for your buck, you want to elevate your heart rate and reach a challenging level. Reach it, pull back and let your heart rate come down a bit then push it again. This is called interval training and is, by far, the best way to help you reach your weight loss goals.”

HollywoodLifers, are you trying to lose weight fast in 2017?