Tiffany Houghton Reveals EP Title & Details: ‘It’s About Things That Have Broken Me’

From Max Martin to Madonna, Tiffany Houghton takes inspiration through everyone and everything -- and you'll here that on her new EP. chatted with the 22-year-old singer who revealed the title, what's to come, and why she chooses the glam route she does in her videos. Listen to our HollywoodLife podcast!

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Tiffany Houghton INterview
Image Credit: Image Courtesy of HollywoodLife/David Allen

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On writing & filming the video for ‘Catch Me If You Can’:
“This was a funny song to write. I rewrote it 5 times. I thought I was a member of Destiny’s Child the first time I wrote it. It was more of a ballad. I kept writing it and thinking it’s not right… Then one day when I was rewriting it, I was like no, the reason I’m not figuring this song out is because this is stupid. I’m not going to say this. I should be the catch here. So hence the second verse I have Madonna hair and Bette Davis eyes.

Tiffany Houghton Photos

On playing Barbie & relating to different time periods:
There’s a lot of art that inspires me from the 80s and 90s. A lot of times I’ve been compared to Barbie. People stereotype others, I do it too. I just thought it would be fun to make fun of myself and dress up like Malibu Barbie, bring the Barbie car to life. Have Ken. We had the best time, just jamming to 90’s pop music the whole shoot.

On more music and a new album coming:
I’ve been locked away for the past year and working on music! I have a couple more music videos coming out and they’re going to be back to back. I’m so excited… they’re going to be on an EP that will be out in the Fall. I do have a name… it’s called Break. It’s about things that have broken me in the past and things that will ultimately break me, the reason I realize so many of the dreams that I have. They already are. It’s cool. I think sometimes our greatest challenges end up being our greatest successes.

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On sharing a ton on social media:
I try and keep things classy. I have a 7-year-old little sister and 9-year-old little brother that I think would lose it if there was anything even remotely bad. Their friends at school follow me and are always like, ‘Did you see what your sister posted?’ It makes me think twice before putting anything on the internet.

Listen to Tiffany’s full interview on our podcast on iTunes, and stay tuned for her music video for “I’m Gonna Love You,” premiering tomorrow at midnight!